Page 144 of Dead Weight

“Open up! I see you standing there,” she yelled.

Addison Gray a.k.a. Aite, goddess of mischief and ruin, was demanding to enter my home. My castle. No wonder the ward had jolted me.

“I will not let you in. Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin.”

“No kidding. You really ought to do something about that. Has your face even met a laser?”

I opened the door a crack. “What do you want, Addison?”

“I need your help to harbor a fugitive. That’s your thing, right? Helping those in need.”

“The last time you were here, we nearly killed each other.”

She flicked a dismissive finger. “Bygones. I barely remember knocking you into your moat.”

I remembered every second of the bitter battle, and I wasn’t keen to repeat it.

I looked past her to the gate but saw no one. “Who’s the fugitive?”

Waving, she offered a meek smile. “Me.”