“You seem interesting.” It’s not a real answer, but that’s all he gives me, before tilting his chin toward the direction of the cave. “The King Crow and the prince of bones are buying you time in there. I’ll get you another minute or so. You need to get to the river, and cross it. It’ll take them a while to catch up, as no one can touch the water."

He’s pointing to the left, rather than where I’d been looking. Further into the woods, I think. It doesn’t seem like a great idea.

Right. Because doing what you felt like doing has worked out so well for you today.

"Beasts are your friends—fae who look like they've been camping in a swamp for the last decade are good, too. Anyone finely dressed, well spoken, courteous? Run."

I nod, assimilating all of the information. In the space of a couple of minutes, he’s given me more direct information than any other fae—actual useful stuff that might help me directly, without relying on someone else’s protection.The stone alone must have cost a pretty penny—assuming that they have money here—and it masks my biggest vulnerability. Ryther didn’t so much mention something like that might exist.

He really is trying to help me. I’m so very certain of it, even though I can't decide why.

I want to say thank you, and those generic words are no longer an option, so I’m not certain how to relay my appreciation.

It’s lame, but I settle on, “I won’t forget this.”

When he smiles, his blue eyes twinkle, and it's the loveliest of sights. I commit it to memory.

“I suspect you won’t, little one. Now, off you go. Fast.”

I nod, and make myself start jogging in the direction he indicated.

By the time I look over my shoulder, he’s gone, as though he were another vision. But now I know better than to think those weren't real in the first place. Andthe cool stone in my hand and the new hope in my heart tell another tale.

He didn't even ask for a favor, like Caenan, though I clearly owe him one.

It's foolish to think so, given everything I’ve endured. I should have lost the ability to trust anyone. But against all odds, I believe I have a true ally.




I shouldn’t have wasted all that time looking back. It was unnecessary. When they come for me, I don’t only hear them, I also feel them. The ground quakes, trembling under the weight of dozens of folk, all setting out at a run in one go, hunting their quarry.


They sound fast. So much faster than me.

But thanks to my head start, I’m already almost at the river. The stranger I'm sure is on my side did lead me in the right direction, and I can see it through the trees. It’s so, so close.

I push my feet to hit the ground faster, elongating my strides. When I find that’s possible, I push again. And again.

I’ve never been the kind of person to have a sports watch, but I wish I did now, to see my own speed. It doesn’t feel…normal. Not for someone like me, small and not particularly fit. Untrained. I am no Usain Bolt, but in this moment, I believe I might be almost as fast.

Or faster.

It shouldn’t be possible—and wouldn’t be for a human. As I’ve always considered myself weaker than most, I would never have tried to reach this speed. But the lords hunting me get closer with each passing second, I feel it in the ground and the air. I have to at least try to run ahead.

And I do. Wind brushes my blue hair in all directions. I can feel it press hard against each part of my body, resisting my speed, but I cut through it. And suddenly, I’m there.

It’s a slender expense of water, only two or three yards wide, and it looks shallow.

My heart sinks. It doesn’t look like much in the way of protection. Hell, I am fairly certain that if I was still running, I could jump it. But I remember the state of Ryther’s hand after he touched the lake’s water—burned away like it was dipped in acid.

Maybe that’s enough. The strange blond fae seemed to think it was, and against all logic, I do trust him.

I don’t see any bridge either side, which I guess is the point. He said they’d take a while to cross it.