I don’t know what gates he’s talking about, and I’m tired of asking questions—and letting my mind answer them. I firmly shove the part of me that wants to fill in the blanks in a world I should know nothing about back, and I smile up at the charming man who’s not acting like I’m a nasty piece of gum stuck to the sole of his shoe, something he’s entitled to fuck, or eat. Considering everyone else I’ve met here, Valdred might as well be a saint.

“It’s also pretty common where I’m from. There was another Thorn in our class, no relation.” I tilt my head. “How come we have so much in common? Languages, names.”

My attendant even knew the same-ish ASL.

“We don’t.”

Now I’m thoroughly confused, and it must show in my expression, as the man explains, “We are speaking the common tongue in mixed company.”

“And the common tongue is English?” That seems…odd.

“No. Everyone hearing it understands it through their heart.”

This world isweird.

“Nowadays,” Valdred continues, “it’s the main language spoken in Ilvaris, but in the past, each nation, each clan favored their own tongue.”

That doesn’t explain why the sign language is also the same, but I decide I have enough of a headache for now.

“Darina.” Junis’s voice is commanding.

Though he’s some distance away, I feel it through my bones, vibrating like a shock collar.

I glare over my shoulder.

“He’s not a friend of yours, I take it,” Valdred gleans, observing me.

My jaw tightens. “He took me from my world after tricking me on some stupid fae…formality.”

Nonsense is more accurate than formality, but it’ll do.

It’s a relief to be able to get the words out. I wasn’t sure Icould.

“Did you make a deal?” Valdred asks.

Junis glares, and each second I remain stubbornly away, the awareness inside me becomes more painful. He wants me to go to him and my body thinks I should obey.

“I didn’t. Ithanked him,”I seethe.

Valdred winces. “Careless words.”

“Is there any way to get out of it?” I blurt out.

“Not that I know of, for a mortal.” He frowns. “Unless he dies or releases you. I’ll do what I can to make your stay here pleasurable.”

My stomach drops. He can’t help. I didn’t dare hope he could, hence why I didn’t ask, but his words confirm it. Given how reverential Junis is toward him, I thought he might be able to free me, but wishes are as useless as tits on a bull in the world of fairies.

“Go to him. You will not like what happens if you reject your master’s call.”


God, I reallyhatethat word, this world, and these fucking fairy laws.

“Whatwouldhappen? If I tried to ignore him.” I need to know what I’m risking.

I’m not sure Icould in the first place, remembering how my body betrays me every time he gives me a direct order.

“Pain, at first,” says Valdred. “Sickness, second. And then you’d soon die. Your body will likely force you to obey in order to avoid that unpleasantness.”