Christ, to hear these people, you’d think I was walking around in nothing but a freaking candy G-string.

A smarter woman might have tried to play nice, and then extricate as much information from them as I possibly can, but I’m too angry, too tired, and too confused to try. They might seem friendly enough, but I’m not about to make friends, given who their employer is.

I’m not wearing anything underneath, and the memory of how and when I lost my underwear, the last time Junis made me strip, does little to soothe my nerves.

I bring the fabric of my dress to my chest, but one of the women gently yet firmly takes it out of my grasp, before swiftly leaving the room, and coming back without it.

“This way, miss. We’re to bathe you now.”

They clearly have no sense of privacy either. Rather than wasting my breath pointing it out, I let them lead me to an adjacent room—a bathroom with a tub filled with water, though I don’t see any evidence of plumbing anywhere.

I suddenly recall I should pee.

I don’t pee often, compared to most people, but it’s been…a day? Maybe two. My bladder definitely demands my attention.

“Where are the toilets?”

The two women frown, exchanging a glance.

“God, there are toilets here, right?”

Someone get me out of this world.

“Across the hall, my lady,” the same servant tells me. “If you’ll follow me.”

As we leave the humongous room, heading into a domed hallway with a high ceiling, it occurs to me that I could try to flee—make a run for it. Junis might be too fast and too strong for me, but maybe I’ll manage to get the better of their servants.

Yeah, right. Run through an unknown freaking castle, completely naked. Way to guarantee a fairy tale ending—the traditional kind, made to give warnings to silly little girls.

I will run, and soon. But I need information, shoes, some form of clothing, and a clear idea as to what I should be running towards. I ran without a plan before, and that got me nothing but a broken wrist and a cock deep in my throat. I need to use my brain this time. Find a way back home, or at least a path that could lead there.

The toilets look far too fancy, with golden seats and polished porcelain bowls, but they work just like they do at home. Somehow, that simple fact grounds me, calming some of my anguish—although objectively, the potential lack of amenities should be the least of my worries.

There are no windows, and no second exit. Not that either would help, given the fact that I have no clue where I am, or how to get home to another fucking world.

I pee, and wash my hands in clear water in a basin nearby. Before my eyes, I see the water completely vanish after I’m done, and reappear again seconds later.


After washing, my eyes are drawn to my wrist, and I remember the cracking sound when Junis twisted it, as well as the searing pain. It was broken, I’m certain of it.

I don’t hurt myself often, and when I do, I heal fast—but I’ve never had a wound like that. Did I heal all on my own in less than a day, or did Junis somehow mend it?

I shake my head. No, even if that sort of magic was possible for these people, he wouldn’t waste that kind of effort on me. He’d likely prefer for me to stay in pain.

“Miss? If you’re ready, we’re on a schedule.”

I glare at the closed door, my jaw tight. I want to tell that woman to fuck all the way off. But antagonizing her would be counterproductive. I might need her as an ally later.

I return to the hall. Only the servant isn’t alone this time.

The woman is gorgeous, tall, and impossibly thin. I note her hair, and her sharp bones, so much like Junis’s, I have to wonder if they’re related. Though he’s related to Cissa and looks nothing like my short, dark-skinned friend.

It goes beyond the physical; they also hold themselves in the same way, with pride and a ready sneer.

“So, you’re my husband’s new toy,” her melodious, high-pitched, singsong voice snaps.

Oh, great. I’ve been carried off into a fairy tale version of a telenovela, complete with the villain and his jealous wife.