I look around, my eyes not spotting anyone immediately. And then I see it: two glowing eyes, purple like humongous jewels, blinking open.


I don't know whether I'm supposed to stay still or run, but when I take in the large, dark body, something tells me staying here would make me the thing's next dinner. I slowly sit up, and the creature's amethyst eyes zero in on me.

I think it's a bat at first, given the large wings extended behind its body, flapping. That's where the sound came from. But then I notice a tail, swaying from side to side.

The eyes are slitted, like a cat's. A big one.

I don't know what this thing is, but one thing is sure: it's a predator.

I jump to my feet and run out of the room as fast as my feet can take me, keeping my attention on the thing. It brings its body weight forward, and wiggles its large behind.

Shit. I've seen the stray cats I feed act like that before. When they want to play with their fucking food, stalking a bird or a mouse.

Shit, shit, shit.

It's easily the size of a panther, and I don't miss the fangs out of its mouth, like a sabretooth cat's.

It would be fucking typical for me to be eaten by a damn cat rather than all the people hunting me.

When the thing leaps, I don't think, I react. My hand flashes behind me, without me even looking in its direction, yet it meets its throat, and I squeeze it as I use its own momentum to flip its on its back, to the floor. Claws slash into my flesh, and I wince, but tighten my hold. I'm not going to outrun a damn panther-size predator. I can't just let it go.

The bat-cat-thing hisses and wiggles to get back to its feet, so I kneel on its stomach.

My eyes slide down from its throat to its abdomen. I know exactly where its heart is. I can see it pulse. I know my arms, small as they are, are strong enough for me to punch through its rib cage. How I know this, I couldn't begin to say, but I am no longer questioning myself. I'm beyond that.

I know because I'm a monster. I know because the blood running in my veins belongs to this world.


The thing is called a nixie; a night creature, known to prey on solitary fae. It likely came to the castle to rest until dusk, assuming it empty and safe. Then it smelled me, and thought it was getting an easy meal.

It's nothing personal. Just nature.

Punch the damn ribcage, Rina.

The thing is, I like cats. They're fun, and adorable, and so entertaining to watch. They're also predators, but the nixie under me has gone still, eyes downcast, in sign of submission.

It understands I'm no prey, now.

Slowly, keeping my eyes on it, I let go."Do we understand each other?" I check.

Those bright eyes blink, and I get up.

"There won't be a second warning," I tell it.

As I walk away, I realize something. My first instinct was to stay still or run. I never thought to fight.And that has to change, if I'm to survive this world.

“That was either very brave, or very foolish. I can’t quite decide.”




"It seems to be a running theme with you," I tell her, taking her in.