They’re family; that explains some of the enmity I sense between them, though not his rudeness.

“Hi.” I’m polite, but I don’t hide my indifference, barely glancing at him before returning to the Bone Martini.

The only reason I acknowledge him at all is that I can’t ignore Cissa.

The best way to deal with men of his sort is to make it abundantly clear that I’m not remotely interested. Even then, I’m likely to have to reject him a time or two before he gets the memo.

“If I may, you’re lovelier than any woman I’ve had the pleasure to encounter here.” He bows slightly, lifting his hand in a gesture that demands mine.

I frown at the offered palm and opt to play dumb rather than take it. Still, it was a nice compliment, not as lecherous as the ones I usually hear from his type, so I say, “Thanks, Junis.”

I hop off my stool with a wave of my hand toward Cissa and Eochan, fully intending to retreat toward the dance floor.

My curiosity’s sated. I heard the music. I even listened to the whole song. After days of restlessness, I’m eager to return home and sleep, but I don’t want to seem rude when the owners are so generous with me. I’ll remain here for another hour or so and then be on my way.

“I accept your thanks,” Junis says over the music, just as I reach the edge of the dance floor.

What is it with strange people and stranger expressions today?

“Junis!” Cissa screeches, outraged.

Her partner’s no less incensed. He grabs Junis by the lapel of his ridiculous jacket and hisses something I can’t hear in his ear.

I’m simply confused by everything.

Junis shoves Eochan aside with his shoulders and shoots a hateful stare at his cousin, each of his features full of warning.

A sense of foreboding in the pit of my stomach tells me to run, to hide. I don’t listen because I don’t understand it. He’s just a big bully, as I suspected from the first glance. It’s never a good idea to back down from bullies. They’ll circle around and get their pound of flesh.

“What’s your damage?” I demand.

“I would be more concerned about yours, sweet thing.” He chuckles low, sauntering up to me, his slow steps so predatory I’m not ashamed of my desire to run.

I still fight it.

“What pretty manners you have. You thanked me for my kindness in noticing the temporary appeal of your rotting mortal flesh.” When his mouth curves into a smile, it’s too wide, and the teeth underneath shine in the dim lighting. “And for the debt you admit to owing me, I shall take the wonted payment. You’ll serve me for a year and a day.”

I cross my arms under my breasts and glare. “Now you listen?—”

“Quiet.” His voice is short, cutting.

My mouth shuts immediately of its own volition, and cold panic seizes me.

My lips might as well have been glued shut. Try as I may, I can’t open them. My hands fly to my mouth, and though I can feel it under my fingers, it’s irreversibly closed.

I stare at him in horror.

That he did this to me is obvious. The question ishow. I’ve spent enough time with Rain to know witchcraft shouldn’t work like that. I didn’t drink any potion, he didn’t cast any spell. Why am I obeying his order? People aren’t supposed to be able to force bodies to react with one word. It’s just not possible. And yet my jaw remains locked, and the curses I want to yell are stuck in my throat.

“Now that I have your attention,” he says slowly, “let us depart. I have spent enough time in this disgusting place for a century.”

He’s fuckingkidding if he thinks I’ll go anywhere with him willingly! I fully intend to buy a one-way ticket to the other side of the planet just to avoid him.

And yet my steps trail his as he turns and walks right back toward the basement.

The basement I’ve always avoided.

Horror claws my insides, mingling with my fear and anger.