“I’m following a fox through the woods,” I grunt out loud. “What next, a house made of candy?”

That wouldn’t be so bad, come to think of it. If a witch shows up, at least I know to shove her in the fire.

“This is insane. I don’t even know where you’re going to?—”

Lead me. I was about to say lead me. Except we’ve now reached a hill, with a clearly man-made arch carved in dark stone at its base, open to a dark tunnel.


I guess the fox was leading me here.

Shit. I truly am living in a fairy tale, aren't I?

Let's just hope I get the Disney version, with the happy ending.




I really dislike fae doorways. Why the creepy entrances leading into nothing but darkness rather than actual doors that can show you where the hell you’re going?

Because fae are dramatic as hell, that's why.

The blue-white fox stands in front of the cave, not entering, which only serves to accentuate my unease.

“You really want me to go in here?” I check, trying not to dwell on the fact that I’m having a conversation with a canine.

The animal turns around enthusiastically, tongue hanging from his mouth.

I wrinkle my nose.

While the shape is too purposeful to be natural, the archway looks old, and unused, to judge by the amount of leaves, bushes, spiderwebs, and weeds on, around, and in front of it.

“It’s not a bad call.”

I jump with a start at the unexpected words, turning toward the voice, heart racing.


He'sdressed in a light brown leather jacket stitched with red, but unmistakably meant for sport. Hunting clothes.


The fae holds a wooden crossbow in his hand, not unlike the one that pierced that hole through my shoulder.

“Stay where you are,” I demand, taking one step back myself.

He laughs. “You know, the more you act the part of prey, the more we predators will want to take a bite.”

I grab the first thing I can find on the floor, a stone. It can’t do much damage, but I’d rather have it than nothing at all.

Valdred lifts the bow, and I tense, my body engaging my fight or flight response. Then I frown, as he moves it behind his shoulder, and rests it at his back.

He holds both hands up, and smiles. “Luckily, you’re not my quarry.”
