His mouth opens, and I don’t wait for him to formulate an order.

I run.




My first instinct is to race toward her.

Then, crush Caenan for letting her come here—indeed, guiding her here, as she wouldn’t have found the conclave on her own. But I can’t blame the boy. He’s young, and though I don’t know our bratty queenling well, she’s proved herself quite adept in the arts of persuasion.

The laws of courtesy that allowed me to protect her while she was my guest are clear. I was within my right to beat the charming duchess of wings into submission for daring to seek to harm someone under my protection, and tear into anyone else stupid enough to attack, but now, on neutral ground, there’s no such provision.

In truth, there was never an option where she would have remained safe under my roof for long. The moment she stepped out, she would have been fair game to all. But I’d hoped it wouldn’t be for a while. At least long enough to get her to learn a thing or two about her power. Gain some tools to survive our brutal world.

But she’s all alone now, and there is nothing I can do to stop the four dozen bloodthirsty fae around her from reaching her before me.And then, there’s also Junis, who can paralyze her, command her, torture her with one word.

I exhale.

She’s smart enough to step out of the meadow before he can say a thing.

Caenan places himself on the path, blocking the entrance, and making the lords pause. He’s strong, but the crowd will eventually overcome him. At least, he’s buying her precious moments.

It won’t be enough.

I need to think, fast. If I want her to live long enough to be of any use.

“I have an idea,” Valdred tells me in a rushed whisper.

He’s as used to speaking in public as me; when he wishes to, his voice can carry over the whole meadow, but the hurried, low words are just for me.

I lift an eyebrow, curious as to what could potentially make him believe I care about any of his ideas. Especially right now.

“You can no longer protect her. They have her scent, her trail, and they will hunt her, now. She’ll never make it back to your camp in one piece.”

He's stating the obvious.

“And?” I snarl, mouth pressed in a tight line.

I’m wasting time listening to this fool while I should be coming up with a way to keep Darina alive.

“The hunt it going to happen,” he states. “So, we turn it to our advantage.”

“There’s no we, boy.”

He ignores me. “Say, whoever captures her, and brings her back in one piece, gets to be her regent, and form her government. Makes that this year's rites. It’ll end all these discussions leading nowhere, and it'll stop them from hunting her now.”

To my surprise, the idea has merit. For one, it gives her a fighting chance. The most opinionated lords here would likely still slit her throat when they find her, but those who aren’t quite sure where they stand might opt to make a play for the regency. The likelihood that she’ll be brought back alive increases a thousandfold.

“All right,” I relent.I can admit that my reluctance is based only on the fact that I didn't think of it myself.“You call it, I’ll second it.”

Valdred shakes his head. “It needs to come from you. You’re the one they’re scared of. The one they’ll listen to now, and likely, obey.”

I take a second to analyze his motives. Sure, he’s using me, but he’s not entirely wrong.

I clap my hands together once to call for attention as several lords approach Caenan, ready to strike.