“Why do you want to help me?” I ask, surprised by his insistence.

He shoves his hands in his pockets and shrugs, utterly nonchalant. “I don’t believe letting you die tonight is in my best interest.”

My mouth opens, and closes again. I’m so startled by the simple honesty. Strangely, it reassures me more. It feels more sincere than anything he could have said—caring about my safety, wanting to help the heir of some long-dead queen, chivalry, duty. He’s not pretending to care. That’s refreshing. I’ll take that over Valdred’s niceties any day.

“All right,” I relent.

Ryther extends one hand towards mine, and I tentatively take a step toward him, not reaching for it.

He doesn’t insist, hand returning to his pocket, as he starts walking. I have to rush to match his long strides.

“I’ll come with you. But can you stay out of my mind?”

“You’ll have to make me.” A snort escapes him. “I’m not trying to probe it. You’re spreading your every thought far and wide. One of the many things you’ll have to learn to control if you want to survive.”

Spreading? I glance back nervously.

Valdred is trailing us, only a few steps behind, seeming particularly broody—but ever watchful, and as calculating as Ryther.

While the thought of Ryther hearing my internal musing is embarrassing, it’s only a minor annoyance. Valdred being privy to it feels unsafe.

“Can he read it too?” I grit between my teeth, keeping my voice as low as possible, to be heard by the closest man, and not the one following us.

“Unlikely. Your friend’s almost as green between the ears as you are. I doubt he’s mastered his mind yet, let alone anyone else’s.”

“I can read minds just fine,” Valdred grunts irritably.

I make a note: whispering doesn’t work.

“And Darina, if you think for one second that you’re safe with him, you’re sorely mistaken, whatever he says. He’s unseelie. They’re wild, cruel, chaotic.”

“And you’re oh so sweet and harmless in the west, I’m sure?” Ryther teases with a deep, throaty laugh.

“The seelie lands recognize the authority of the high queen. We’ve all bent the knee to her seat, to her crown. She’s our ruler,” Valdred snaps.

The very thought makes me wince.

“Your kind only follow your own desires.”

“And currently, I desire to bathe and clothe our sweet—Darina, wasn’t it?” Ryther checks with me.

“Rina’s fine,” I reply.

He doesn’t even know my name for certain, and I’m following him home. But he truly is my best option.

It doesn’t hurt that going with him is angering Valdred. Part of me takes a certain satisfaction in it.

“You can’t just take her. She should stake her claim—right now, before anyone can think to stop it. The lords are already gathered. She should force them to acknowledge her as high queen before they can plot against her.” I stiffen as Valdred catches up with us and plants himself right in front of Ryther. “Now the world knows she exists, so they will scheme to either use or destroy her. The very reason we’re all here is to choose a regent. There’s no need for a regent when we have the heir to the throne.”

“What we have is an untrained kidlet without any clue how to make use of the powers she currently possesses—which aren’t much. And no way to access her heritage as of yet. She’s vulnerable. If she stands before the lords now, they will eat her alive.” Ryther tilts his head. “Some, literally.” Done talking around me like I wasn’t here, he turns to look directly at me this time. “Putting a crown on your pretty head now would be the same as chopping it off.”

I decide I’m not offended. I am vulnerable. And I absolutely can imagine some of the brutes I’ve met taking a bite.

“And you wish to protect her out of the goodness of your heart, huh?” Valdred snaps.

“Of course not.” Ryther chuckles easily. “I wish to use her for the good of the realm.”

More direct, plain truths. I’m certain he’s doing this purposely. I wouldn’t have believed an I care about her, or I’m a good person, but using me? That seems logical.