
How am I going to get out of this?




I join Junis where he's planted his feet, away from his companions, dread coiling like snakes along my skin. If he isolated himself, it’s because he wishes not to be heard or seen in his treatment of me by those he respects, I’m sure of it. It can’t be good.

“What did he say? What does he want?” Junis demands in a low whisper, pulling me closer by the wrist.

I snatch my hand back. “What?”

We might be in another world, but what Valdred and I were up to was pretty clear. Getting to know each other, chatting, flirting a little. Has the man never heard of flirting?

Of course not. Why would he, when he can just kidnap victims instead?

“Concentrate, stupid girl!” he hisses.

I have to swallow another wave of pure anger at that insult.

I’ve never been called stupid in my entire life. Music is my calling, but I excelled in all things at school, particularly mathematics. When I was bored in the class I shared with Rachel, my parents asked a psychologist to look into this strange, distracted mind of mine, suspecting I must have ADHD or something else. Instead, they realized my IQ was in the highest percentile. They bumped me up by two years.

Regardless of the situation I currently find myself in, I am smart. A little reckless, easily bored, but smart all the same. Somehow, out of everything he’s said and done to me, this one might be the one that rubs me the most. Or maybe I’m at capacity, and by this point, anything he says makes me want to bite his head off like a praying mantis. Without the mating part.

Fuck this sexist, classist, racist, rapist asshole for ever doubting it. I’ll show him. I’ll show them all, when I break his fucking spell and choke him to death with his own cock.

Junis speaks slowly, like he’s talking to a particularly dim child. “Valdred Moor is heir of the bone court, and the single most powerful seelie in all the realm. He could be seelie king if he wished it—and the only reason he hasn’t claimed the title is because he is currently satisfied ruling all of Ilvaris. He does not pay attention to dumb mortal thralls. What does he want from you?”

Surely Junis, of all people, doesn’t need to me explain that Valdred, heir of wherever, fancies me. And if he does, I’m not going to be the one to enlighten him.

It makes sense in a way, though. Junis likely thinks that if it was desire, Valdred would just have grabbed me and bent me over a table to get it over with, as some guests are doing around us. He doesn’t understand consent, or seduction.

I would have assumed the entire world was backward, stuck in the middle ages, if it wasn’t for my strangely normal interaction with Valdred. No, some of these people are stuck in toxic, ancient behaviors, but it’s a conscious choice.

They could be charming. They could endeavor to earn what they want rather than simply taking it.

Part of me feels like climbing Valdred like a pole, if only to show to Junis that women actually like sex when it’s with decent people.

Realizing I need to speak before Junis explodes, I clear my throat. “He just wanted my name.”

“Give it! Give your true name, your blood, and your pussy if he asks, understood? I want you to do everything Valdred demands of you without a word of complaint, without a shred of reluctance. Anything he asks. Anything he desires. You’re to be his perfect toy. Understood?”

Each of his words weighs a thousand pounds, piling on order after order.

If he’d commanded me that way before the short stroll the prince and I took, I wouldn’t have been able to do anything but smile and rush to do whatever Valdred asked.

“Now go, you useless cunt, and report back.”

With this last insult, my captor abandons me, not bothering to turn to check if I obey. He returns to his friends, joining in their laughter like he hasn’t just made me a slave to another man.

A man I didn’t dislike a minute ago. He took my breath away, handsome as he is, with a hint of kindness in his manner. A splash of respect. I even thought about jumping him, for Christ’s sake. But now, courtesy of Junis, I am his slave all the same.

I wish I could run, but my feet take me right back where I was moments ago, at Valdred’s side.

Two goblets of intricate gold appear in his hands. “Did he tell you to accompany me?”