I expected to find her in pieces, but the thing in front of me is far from the human-minded brat I took under my wing days ago.

Her parents weren't the only thing that died last night. Part of her humanity is gone. As necessary as it was, I'm sorry to see the ice and steel in the depths of those eyes, so pale now.

"So which is it? Are you brave, or a fool?"

Darina doesn't answer me. "You helped Valdred keep me away from them."

If I were fair, I could tell her the truth: that I made Valdred grab her. I was too obvious a culprit as soon as people saw the shadows gather around us, and all eyes were on me.

"You had no right."

There's no reasoning with her on this, because she already knows the truth.She was foolish and she would have either died or become Junis's puppet if we'd let her through. As for the humans, their fate was sealed as soon as they entered the world.

By my side, Caenan clears his throat. "I'm sorry for your loss, Rina. I had a mother, once."

I glance at him.

He nigh on never speaks of this.

"She was human, like your parents. From our world—the silver court. And she was kind, and sweet. I watched her die as a child. It never leaves you."

I have nothing I can say to either of them.

"I had a human lover," Relva offers. "He’d read poetry and write awful sonnets about my hair. I loved him so much, until his hair was gray as mine and his limbs so frail. I would have died with him if he’d let me. There's something so very pure and good about mortals, isn't there? Maybe because they're not meant to last. They shine brighter."

"My parents didn't die of old age. They were murdered. Junis murdered them." Her eyes cut to mine. She doesn't add and you let it happen, but the accusation hangs in the air between us all the same.

In truth, I likely could have staged a rescue. I would have started a war between the seelie and unseelie, losing the support of many lords on my shores in doing so, but I could have.

It just wasn't the right choice.

"I'm no stranger to sudden death," Relva replies gently. "Watching them fade with time, powerlessly? It's worse."

Darina shakes her head. "Just because they were mortal doesn't mean their lives were worthless."

"No." This comes from Valdred, standing back, away from us, whether because he's surrounded by unseelie, or because he fears her wrath. "Just not worth more than yours."

Her eyes narrow into slits as she holds her head high, shoulders back, with an air that can only be called regal.

"You forfeited your life to me, Valdred," she tells him.

That's news to me, and while I'd be glad to be rid of this pompous child, I take a step to caution her.

Darina lifts one imperious hand, stopping me in my stride.

I can't deny it: pride swells inside me to watch her wield the power that was always hers with such confidence.

"I did," Valdred replies with a swift nod. "I need to publicly claim you as queen, first. Then, you can do with me as you will. I have hurt you twice, and that's the price I'm willing to pay for it."

Of the most idiotic of seelie things I've heard, this takes the cake.

I think every one of us groans except Darina and the stupid bone prince.

"Yes, you did hurt me. And now your life is mine. Here's what you're going to do."

As Darina struts across the hall to Valdred, passing me, then Caenan on the way, I watch the nixie that hadn't moved an inch until then stalk her, falling into step behind her.

My eyes widen. I don't think I know of one creature who'd ever claim the wild flesh-eating beasts as familiars. But its life was in her hands when we arrived moments ago, and she spared it. The thing clearly chose to surrender to her as a result.