I’m almost convinced I should try, when I hear it.

A faint moan that doesn’t belong to a place like this; it’s too soft. Vulnerable. The sort of noise a woman would make with a lover. Someone they really trust.

In the few seconds I’m distracted, freaking Junis grasps my wrist, his claws digging into my skin tighter than they should, and drags me towards the crowd—and the strangers, who part when they spot him.

“If this isn’t the lord of winter!” A man roughly the size of a bear and just as hairy—or perhaps furry—with a thick orange pelt for a skin, slaps the back of his shoulder hard enough to dislocate it. “Ale for my good man!” he roars.

An entirely naked woman painted in silver glitter rushes to offer a platter of refreshments. I barely acknowledge her, my attention fixed on the poor thing on the floor.

Or should I say things? I don’t know who—or what—I should pity the most.

My stomach sinks as my eyes take in the scene.

I guess I wasn't wrong after all.It is a sex dungeon.

There's a girl kneeling on the bare stone, legs parted, wide open as she straddles a lanky corpse. Or at least, it would have looked like a corpse if its cock wasn’t fully erect, huge, and veiny in a way that makes me wants to recommend a doctor’s visit, stat.

The corpse-with-a-hard-cock’s eyes are shut, and his body doesn’t move at all. Maybe it’s made of stone. She shivers over it, as the gathered crowd watches the performance, laughing, cheering, betting.

"Come on, love. You can resist a little longer!" one slender woman as short as me coaxes, her voice velvety sweet.“There’s a gold mark for you if you can hold it for a full ten minutes.”

“Now, now,” a slithery thing says, its lizard’s tongue popping out. “Don’t you spoil my pet. A gold mark for ten minutes of riding? I think not.”

Laughter ensues.

I want to punch someone—anyone—except the poor girl who rises and falls over that corpse like her life depends on it. Which it just might.

Her face is contorted in focus, and she doesn’t make much sound, like anything escaping her lips is failure.

She moans again and I watch, baffled, the naked server get a riding crop from her belt, and begin whipping the girl’s back, ever so casually. No one bothers to say a thing.

I want to scream. Shout. Ask them what the fuck is going on, demand they release her. But I just stand there in complete shock.

The girl has tears in her eyes when she blinks and starts to convulse in an effort to stay silent.

Her dainty tits are clasped in what looks like little wooden clothes pegs, and with a flush, I notice another one down between her legs.On herclit.

Oh my god.

"I say she comes in the next minute," one man calls lazily, lifting his golden glass.

This one looks normal enough, if not for the shimmering scales over his exposed skin—hands, neck. Not on his face, though. With gloves and a turtleneck, no one would have given him a second glance.

"I'll take that bet," Junis counters, joining them in their alcove. They rush to make room for him at the principal table. "She'll last thirty seconds."

This isbarbaric. For all my righteous disgust, my sense of self-preservation tells me I can’t take them all on and drag that poor girl away. Not when Junis has stopped me with one word. A single fuckingword.

I glance back toward the door, wondering if I can make a run for it.And by that, I mean,canI? Or will my feet lock like my mouth did when he wanted me silent?

Mortals don’t know not to thank a fairy anymore.

I shake my head, desperate for all of this to be a terrible dream. Fairies aren't a thing, are they? I'm immersed in the supernatural community, and I’ve neverheardof them before outside of kids’ stories.

I start to take a step, and to my relief, I move; but I've only backtracked once when Junis snaps his fucking fingers, like I'm nothing but a dog. "Come here, mortal. You're next."

I swallow in dread, disgusted, and furious with my own body for closing the distance between us. Entering the circle of eager gazes that rake over my skin like I’m already naked; like they have every right to it.

"On your knees," Junis demands, his gaze not lingering to check if I obey.