Page 64 of You Have My Hart

“Asher.” she said before ducking under the counter.

The rare copy seemed to shine in the soft glow of the bookstore’s lights. My fingers traced the embossed letters on the spine.

“I hope you enjoy it.” She said. “It’s an amazing collection.”

“It’s actually for a friend. It’s her birthday today.”

“She must be an important friend for you to drive all the way here.”

My lip twitched at the mention of Sawyer.

“She is.”

I handed her the money with a last goodbye before exiting the store. As I sat in my truck, I cradled the book in my arms. Excitement flooded my veins as I pictured the smile on her face. Perhaps this would be her best birthday ever.


As I pulled into the familiar driveway, I nearly collapsed in exhaustion. However, the anticipation of Sawyer’s gift gave me the fuel to keep moving. With trembling hands, I clutched the book against my chest and dashed across the street to her house. With a steadying breath, I rapped my knuckles against the door. My heart sank as the door swung open. Josh stood with his arms folded across his chest. He regarded me with a raised eyebrow.

“What do you want?” he asked, with a mixture of suspicion and curiosity.

“Not to talk to you.”

I brushed past him and crossed the threshold, maintaining an unshaken confidence. Sawyer’s voice echoed from their living room.

“I told you to be at the party venue.” Josh hissed in my ear, glancing around to make sure Sawyer wasn’t in earshot.

“I changed my mind.”

I walked into the living room, beaming at the smile on her face when her eyes met mine. Without hesitation, I extended the gift bag to her. My heart soared with anticipation.

“Happy birthday, Sawyer.”

She accepted the gift with a grateful smile before digging into the bag like a kid on Christmas. I watched as she reached into the bag before revealing the book. There were tears in her widened eyes as she gaped at it as if it held the answers to the universe. We all stood in silence for a solid two minutes before she peered at me through her lashes.

“How did you get this?”

I shrugged, trying to play it off. I wasn’t about to reveal that I’d driven five hours there and back to get her something as simple as a book - especially not in front of Josh.

“I know someone.”

She threw her arms around me, taking me by surprise as we stumbled backward, but she didn’t release her hold around my neck. I smirked at a fuming Josh over her head as I wrapped my arms around her waist. Even as we pulled away, the smile lingered on her lips as she gazed at the book the same way Gollum looked at The One Ring. I was so caught up in the desire to give her the gift that I didn’t notice our mothers were sitting in the room, watching our exchange.

“Babe, we need to go.” Josh said.

What a jerk. He always ruined the moment. I delivered a heated glare in his direction as if telepathically challenging him. His words set me back, but I would not let him destroy my confidence. He thinks he’s the better man, but I’ll show him why I’m better.

Game on, brother.



“This Don’t feel right without you.”

Lonely, Machine Gun Kelly
