Page 38 of Nanny for the Grump

“Oh, sorry. Yeah, it was just Becca. We’re going to get coffee tomorrow.”

“That’s great. I hope you have fun, babe.”

Dad stands up from the table and goes to put his dish in the sink.

“I’m proud of you. You’re doing a great job as a nanny for Noah. Keep it up.”

Guilt warms my cheeks and robs me of the rest of my appetite.

“Will do, Dad.” I stare at the dining room wall. “Will do.”

* * *

“Hey, girl! It’s been way too long!”

Becca stands up from the table outside Smug Bean, waving frantically. I walk up quickly, give her a big hug, and sit down across from her.

“It hasn’t been that long. Only like a week. How are you?”

“A week feels like forever when you’re working retail. But otherwise, I’m good. And you? How’s the nannying going?”

Becca waggles her eyebrows, and I can’t help but laugh. She knows I tend to make a decent amount doing this and has mentioned on more than one occasion she’d love to do it and make that much money, but she hates kids.

“It’s going good. Noah is very nice, and his son Elijah is incredibly sweet. I’m so glad I can be there to help them.”

“And the mom?” She sips her iced coffee, no doubt a vanilla latte with an extra shot of espresso.

“Oh, well, actually, Noah is in the middle of a divorce, so she’s not around. It’s a bad breakup.”

“What? Juicy! Spill all the details.”

“Becca, it’s not like that. It’s sad. She cheated on him.”

“Oof, with a kid in the mix? That’s awful. So, you still raking in the dough?”

My order arrives, Sam being kind enough to drop it off, and I take a sip before answering.

“The pay is great, I won’t lie. Noah does really well for himself. He’s this big-time real estate developer and has several properties making him money.”

Becca’s eyebrows raise again. “And he’s single? Girl. It’s too bad you’re the nanny. You could’ve hit that.”

I freeze a little, hiding the reaction behind another sip of my cold brew.

“Wait. Isn’t he, like, buddies with your dad, too? That’s like a double no-go.” She idly checks her phone as she speaks.

I nod slowly. “Yup. He’s my dad’s best friend, actually. That’s how I got the job.”

Lying has never been something I’m comfortable doing, even little white lies to ease someone’s ego. So as Becca probes me with questions, I feel like I’m in an interrogation, the sun beating down on me like those bright lights they use in the cop shows.

“Maybe, I’ll have to try my luck. Do you think he likes younger women?”

She looks up, laughing softly, and I know Becca isn’t serious, but the image of Noah kissing her swirls through my brain, and I’m suddenly nauseated.

“I don’t think he is. Sorry.”

I shake my head and roll my eyes, trying to play it as cool as my silly brain will allow me.

“Well, c’est la vie. Oh! You’ll never believe what Kevin did this time.”