Page 28 of Nanny for the Grump

“Yes. Work is hell. Divorcing someone is hell. It was all hell.”

Her eyes go a bit wide, and I shrug.

“Sorry. I probably should have said it was fine, but I’m too over everything to do that.”

Her face softens, and she lays a hand on my shoulder.

“I’m so sorry, Noah. I’m sure it’s…well, hell does seem like the best way to put it. If it makes you feel better, Elijah was great today. His assignments are going well, and he even mentioned wanting to learn more at the aquarium.”

“Really? I know he likes fish, but…that’s pretty cool, actually. Yeah, don’t we have one here?”

“We do. I told him to ask you about going. So don’t be weird about it.”

I scoff at her. “Weird? Since when am I weird?”

“You know what I mean. Just say yes. I know you’re busy, but it’ll be good for both of you. So just do it.”

She punches me softly in the arm, and I feign a grave injury.

“You are bossy, aren’t you?”

And just like that, the mood in the room changes, the tension skyrocketing in a matter of seconds.

“Trust me, Mr. Steele. You’re the big bad boss. I’m just—”

“A bit of a brat?” I smirk at her, my dick hardening in my slacks. Why did I say that?

Liv’s eyes narrow at me as she bites her lip. I can see the pink flush behind the fair skin of her cheeks, and my mind goes to the delightful coloring that decorated her sumptuous ass.

I’m standing and moving toward her before I can think better of it. Backing her up against the sink, I frame her between my arms as I lean forward, resting my hands against the cool granite.

“Noah. This isn’t…we said we wouldn’t—”

“I know, I know. This is a terrible idea.”

I move slowly, lowering my mouth so close to hers it almost touches. I can feel her short breaths on my lips.

“Then why are you still here?”

“Tell me to go. Tell me you have to leave. I’ll back off as soon as you say it.”

I breathe her in. It’s more than true. I’ll be gone the second she says no, but God, do I want her to say anything else.

“I want you to…”

Everything stops, and I hover in the moment with her, desperate for an answer.

Chapter 9


Noah is up in my face, invading my space, and the truth is, I’ve been thinking about him like this all day.

Dropping Elijah off at school was a breeze, and when I got back to Noah’s house, there was only a bit of laundry to put away and some doctor’s appointments to set up for both of them. I was left with way too much time to think.

And every minute was filled with a replay of last night’s events.

After putting his clothes in the closet, I pulled the once coffee-covered shirt to my nose and breathed deeply. The stain had actually come out, leaving only the smell of his detergent and something that was uniquely him, something that washing couldn’t scrub away.