Page 110 of Nanny for the Grump

As he sits down, I shake hands with John. Dinner on Sundays has become a bit of a routine, and my heart swells as I think about how close I came to losing it all.

But the happiness of the now quickly pushes away any worry, and I smile, so glad to have them all in my life.

Elijah is already chowing down on some bread, and in spite of the ridiculously large mouthfuls, I’m still so proud of him.

He was incredibly brave when he got up and spoke to the judge, and just like I had hoped, his words quelled any notion that he might be leaving with Natasha.

I actually haven’t heard from her since. She stormed out of the courtroom with Henry and never looked back. Good riddance.

And she never managed to get a word in with the board, either. Liv and I got to break the news to them once the divorce was finalized, and I was thrilled when they all responded with nothing but well wishes.

It seemed like they all knew it would be a different story if I really was just fucking the nanny, but what I have with Liv is so much more than that.

Going into the kitchen to see how Liv is doing with the food, I stop for a moment and admire the way she looks. The round swell of her belly is just starting to form, and I’m eagerly counting down the days until I can finally meet our child.

“How’s it going in here?”

I step up behind her and plant a kiss on Liv’s neck. She’s a bit sweaty from the heat of the stove, and I pull her away from it.

“I think you need a break.”

Liv just sighs in response, leaning against me as I rub her lower back with the heel of my hand.

“Oh, that feels incredible. And yeah, sitting down sounds nice. Food is done. I just need to get it to the table.”

“I think I can handle carrying a pan. Go sit.”

Liv turns to face me, laying a kiss on my lips that I never want to end.

“You’re amazing. Thank you.” She starts for the dining room and then turns back to address me over her shoulder. “Is Elijah down here?”

“Yes, he’s demolishing your bread.”

She laughs, snagging another homemade loaf from the counter for the table. The food in here smells incredible, and I reach into the oven with mitted hands to pull out the hot pan.

Following behind Liv, I present the food to a very hungry table and take a seat across from Liv at the opposite end.

“All right, everyone. Dig in!”

The evening continues with pleasant conversation and endless laughter. John’s new girlfriend is named Amelia, and it looks like I’m not the only one with a taste for younger women.

I can’t help but give him shit for it, and we playfully rib each other over dinner. But beyond all that, Amelia seems nice, and I’m glad to know Liv can add another friend to her collection.

Becca has been incredibly supportive and helpful during the pregnancy and Liv’s move, but I know the more the merrier is especially true when it comes to helping raise a child. After all, the saying is it takes a village.

After everyone leaves, and we’ve gotten Elijah down for bed, I come out of our bedroom after changing out of my suit, but I don’t see Liv.

I wander around the house looking for her, and when I turn up nothing, it hits me where she is. Of course, why didn’t I go there first?

Walking to the nursery, I find Liv humming to herself as she stares down at the crib. She’s folding up a small onesie and lays it on the changing table nearby.

There are no lights on, aside from the twinkling star nightlight we picked out for the room, and it casts her in a gentle blue glow that fades to green and then red.

Standing at the door, I watch, just taking in the way she looks as she busies herself with the tiny clothing. An unnamed emotion ripples through me as I stare on from afar.

I don’t want to interrupt the moment, content to simply be a spectator, but I also want to take her in my arms, feel her growing belly with my hands.

The decision is made for me when Liv speaks up.