Page 107 of Nanny for the Grump

“There’s still Natasha to consider and your board. What are we going to do about them?”

“Natasha can’t take Elijah. Like I said, the judge will have to honor his choice, and I’m hoping that he’ll be brave enough to speak to her about what it’s really like at his mom’s. As far as the board goes, if we can, we’ll keep it quiet for now until after the divorce is final. If not, I’ll kindly remind them that our relationship is hardly the most scandalous in the office.”

“Are you sure we can do this?”

“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”

I can’t hold back the smile, and then I remember where I am.

“Elijah is in the car!”

Noah straightens and steps back.

“Oh fuck. Shit. Okay. Let me get him to school. Wait right here for me. It’ll be, like, fifteen minutes, okay?”

“Yes. I’ll be here.”

“Good.” Noah kisses me, and I laugh. “Good. I’ll be right back.”

He’s truly gone for only fifteen minutes, and I wonder how much he sped down the roads to make the trip that fast, but when he returns, Noah’s lips find mine again.

His kisses are dizzying, and I only just remember what I was thinking about while I had a few minutes to myself after our whirlwind confessions.

“Noah, hang on.” He leans back, but I can see the impatience in his eyes. “There’s one more hiccup we need to address with all this before we pop the champagne.”

“What’s that?”

“My dad.”

Noah’s brows raise as he nods solemnly.

“Right. This is going to be tricky.”

I smooth my hand down his face. “I know, but we have to tell him.”

“You’re right. Okay, let’s get this over with.”

After a phone call to my dad telling him to meet me at Noah’s, he arrives at the door, and we tell him to come inside.

“What’s this all about, hon?”

Noah steps back, pulling me with him, allowing for plenty of space between us and my dad. It’s probably a good idea.

“Do you remember the conversation we had last night?”

My dad nods. “Of course. I remember you saying this morning that you’d be staying with Becca, too.”

“Yes. Right. I’m not going to do that anymore.”

“O-kaaay.” He drags out the word. “That’s great, babe. I don’t want you to move abroad again. I like having you close.”

He looks between Noah and me, and a pinch of concern appears between his brows.

“But that’s not what this is about. What is it about?”

I exhale hard. This has been a lot of reveals and bomb drops this morning, and I need a serious break when it’s all over.

“I’m, well, I’m also not going to be working for Noah anymore.”