Page 64 of Nanny for the Grump

“He’s got clothes at home. He’ll be fine.”

She steps past me, bumping my shoulder, and grabs the blue bag from Elijah. He frowns a bit, trying to hide it by biting the inside of his lip.

“Mom, she was just helping. This is Liv.”

He perks up as he introduces me, but as Natasha makes eye contact with me, that cold disdain floating off her hits me like a slap.

She looks down at Elijah for a moment.

“We can buy you new things. Anything you want. Let’s go.”

Natasha wraps her hand around Elijah’s arm and pulls him to the door.

“Wait, your games!” I shout after them.

I hold out the other bag with Elijah’s Switch and the games, and Noah’s ex snatches it from my hand.

“Ugh. These games. You have plenty to do with me at home. Come on.”

Elijah looks back at me as his mom takes him into the hall, and I follow after them.

“I’ll see you Monday, buddy. Don’t forget to do your math assignment.”

Natasha stops with Elijah right at the top of the stairs and glares back at me.

“Don’t tell my son what to do. You’re just the help. Remember that.”

My stomach clenches, and I’m sure my heart stops for a moment. Did she really just say that to me?

“I’m here to help. So I’m just reminding him because it’s my job.” I look away from her and at Elijah, my tone lightening immensely. “Have a great time, kiddo. We’ve got a Dance Time rematch scheduled for Monday after school.”

“You’re on, Liv! I’ll win this time!”

Natasha scoffs, dragging Elijah away, and I take a second to collect myself before I go downstairs and watch them leave.

“I love you. I’ll see you Monday morning before school, all right?” Noah gives him a hug and then addresses Natasha. “He’ll need to be back by seven so that Liv can drop him off at school.”

“Why don’t Henry and I just take him to school? It’ll be so much simpler.”

Noah clenches his jaw, and I can see him fighting with himself, but then he kneels down to speak with Elijah.

“What do you want to do, buddy? Ride with Mom or with Liv to school?”

Elijah considers for a moment, looking at Natasha and then at me.

“Um. I want Liv to take me. It’s what we’ve been doing, and I don’t want to miss it.”

I smile, but it’s quickly interrupted by Natasha’s griping.

“Argh! Enough of this. Let’s go. Henry is waiting in the car. I’m not missing our dinner reservation.”

She pulls Elijah out of the house, who’s barely able to handle his things, and I’m about to say something about how he may not be dressed for a formal dinner but then think better of it.

The door slams behind them, and Noah and I are left standing in the foyer in silence.

“Wow. I know I’m not supposed to say anything bad about his mom because of manners and all, but damn. Natasha is a total bitch.”

Noah lets out a harsh laugh and visibly relaxes. I step toward him and wrap my arms around his waist, laying my head on his chest.