Page 57 of Nanny for the Grump

Noah and I chat the entire time, taking the opportunity to learn more about each other and who we are outside of the strange bubble we’ve created for ourselves.

“So, I have to ask. Led Zeppelin, huh? I didn’t really peg you as a hard rock fan.”

I take another bite of the second box of popcorn we’ve ordered, knowing full well that my stomach is going to protest later.

“Really?” Noah raises his brows at me. “Well, I guess I can understand that. I try to mostly just come across as professional. It’s hard to shut that off at the end of the day when I’ve been doing it for so long. But yeah, they’re my favorite band.”

Nodding, I see his point. With a whole company resting on his shoulders, it’s probably hard to relax and just be the chill version of himself.

“What music do you like, Liv?”

“Me? Oh man, anything, really. Except for gangsta rap, and that’s mostly because I know I’m not the target audience. I guess my favorites are probably The Midnight and pop punk, like Loveless.”

“I have no idea who they are. I have to admit I’ve been out of the new music game for a while now.”

“Busy with work?” I grin at him.

“Why, yes. How could you know?” He bumps me with his elbow, and I laugh.

“Sorry. It was right there. I had to.”

“You had to, huh? Can’t resist teasing me, can you? Or being a bit of—” Noah leans toward me, whispering, “a brat. If I recall.”

I feign offense, clutching my non-existent pearls as I take a swig of the soda he bought me.

“Me? A brat? Never.” Swallowing another sip, I address his lack of music knowledge. “You know, I could play some new stuff for you. Give you a little ‘today’s music 101.’”

“I’d like that. Which one do you think I should start with?”

The furrowed brow that dresses his face is positively adorable, and I have to resist the urge to kiss him.

“Hmm. Well, pop punk might be a bit too loud for you, but The Midnight is actually pretty chill. And it’s a bit nostalgic of the ’80s.”

Noah pretends he’s ancient, pushing up invisible glasses. “What’s that you say, dearie, too loud? Oh no, couldn’t do with that. Maybe just a nice bit of jazz, then.”

I burst out laughing, completely unable to hold any of it back. The charm and humor coming from this man is something else, and my heart feels like it’s going to explode.

When I can finally stop laughing and take a deep breath, I wipe the tears from under my eyes.

“All right, smooth jazz. Maybe a caramel and a cup of Jell-O, too?” I look at my phone for the time. “Oh no, look at that. It’s past 6 p.m. We’ve stayed out way too late for you. We should get you back so you can watch some Matlock and go to bed.”

We’re both laughing like fools at this point, oblivious to the people in the stands next to us, to the entire world, even.

Noah takes a drink and hangs his arm on the seat behind us, behind me, before staring at me head-on.

“You should get me home, Liv.” His deep voice is a rumbling whisper. “Put me to bed and make sure I’m damn tired.”

He turns back to the game, and just then, Elijah scores a double, and his team pulls in the lead.

We stand up and cheer at the top of our lungs, and Elijah smiles so big his cheeks must ache.

And it's at that moment I realize what I’ve wanted but never knew how to vocalize it.

This. I want this. I want to be watching my kid’s game with his dad as we flirt and chat about our favorite things.

I want the normalcy of putting him to bed and then finding each other in the dark of our bedroom or the fun risk of his office. I want to make us breakfast and then go to the library.

I want a life with them.