Page 24 of Nanny for the Grump

Resting my head on the shower wall, I stroke, taking my balls in my other hand and gripping just enough to send me right to the edge. Pumping into my fist, all I can think about is Liv—her face, her sass, and her tight fucking pussy milking my release.

Within a few moments, I’m coming all over the shower wall and huffing breaths in and out.

Reality crystallizes back into place, and I finish up in the shower, silently berating myself for my continued obsession.

As I step out, I meet my gaze in the mirror across from me.

“This can’t happen again, you asshole. No more. Get it together.”

Using every amount of focus I have, I push Liv from my thoughts and get dressed. It’s another morning, and she’ll be here, in my house, doing her job as the nanny.

I push my hair back off my head, slicking it back with some product, and wash my hands. As I pull on my suit jacket for the day, I take in my reflection once more.

“She’s the nanny. That’s it. You’re going to let her in, be cordial, and then go to work. End of story.”

When I get downstairs, expecting to find Elijah on the couch watching cartoons again, I’m surprised to see him at the island eating eggs. Scanning the room, I find the pan on the stove and the tempting woman who’s holding it.


“Hi! Elijah let me in. I figured a real breakfast was in order, considering cereal is mostly sugar, anyway. I made some for you, too. Have a seat.”

Her smile is beaming as she scoops a fresh batch of scrambled eggs onto a plate waiting on the island. I stand there at the bottom of the stairs for a moment before blinking and walking to the counter to take a seat.

“Oh, that’s great. You’re pretty lucky. Huh, kiddo?” I ruffle Elijah’s hair, avoiding Liv’s eyes.

“Heck, yeah. These are, like, really good. There’s spices or something.”

My son’s lighthearted joviality lightens the mood, and I release a sigh. Taking a bite of the eggs for myself, I nod.

“These are good. I wish I had more time to enjoy them, but I do have to run.” I stuff a few more bites into my mouth and move to stand up.

“Uh-uh. Sit. Finish your eggs. It’ll only take a moment, and I’ve already made your coffee for you.”

Liv raises her brows at me, and I sit back down with a soft thud.

“Are you sure you’re the boss, Dad? Cuz…”

“Elijah—” I glare playfully at him “—zip it. Besides, I’m sure she was just teasing.”

But my heart is beating hard, and I stare at Liv as I finish my plate. She’s pinned in place beneath my glare, and I can see pink coloring her cheeks.

When my plate is clean, I stand up, walking the dish to the sink where she stands, never breaking eye contact with her.

“All finished.” I slip the plate into the sink, reaching just past her arm.

It’s too much. I drop my eyes and walk to the coffee waiting for me at the end of the counter. She poured it into my best travel mug and laid my briefcase nearby.

Coming back around behind Elijah, I lay a kiss on the top of his head.

“I’ll be home later. Have a great day at school, bud.”

“I will. Love you!” He munches away on the last of his eggs as I go out the garage door.

“Love you, too!”

* * *

Concentrating on the Hawaii deal is damn near impossible all day. There are endless phone calls about late material deliveries and unnecessary swaps that have to be made, and I’m struggling to pay attention during each one.