Page 61 of Broken Boss

Chris reaches out and takes my hand, stilling the other.

“How many?” There’s something unreadable in his eyes as he asks. My chest swells with a sensation of overwhelm, a dizzy headiness. “Kids,” he clarifies, sitting back with his own look of embarrassment.

He’s eager. The realization makes my lips part and I bite back a smile.

Does Chris Sharpe, ruthless lawyer and billionaire, want kids?

“I’m not sure. More than one, for sure; I liked having—” I break off, Stephen’s face immediately coming to mind. First as a kid, his laughter as we played together, and then just a few days ago. The look on his face when he registered Chris over my shoulder.

Chris waves away the awkward break in conversation and picks up as if nothing happened.

“I feel the same way. I can’t imagine not having had a brother. And between you and me—” he leans in close, a mischievous glint to his eyes “—only children are always brats, I think. Marty’s a perfect example.”

I can’t help the laugh that bursts out, covering my mouth immediately as other diners glance our way. Chris is grinning as he sits back. He finally starts in on his dinner, a satisfied look on his face.

It’s not like he doesn’t know, a little voice whispers in my mind. You’ve already told him about losing your parents. What’s the worst that happens if?—

The worst that happens is I give in to whatever is happening between us, whatever force is cementing us together. Stephen spends another two years in prison. That’s two more years he’ll never get back. His name is never cleared. He gets out and can’t find a job, can’t find a place to live. Meanwhile I’m—what?—with Chris, who is a self-confessed workaholic. Still at Sharpe Law? If we were to pursue anything, I’d never make partner. If we were to keep it under wraps, I’d be a secret, I’d live half a life.

“More than that.” Chris looks up, caught off guard by my statement. “I’d want more than that. I’d want…a partner. Someone who holds up their half. Someone I can rely on.”

His eyes burn into me from where he’s sitting.

“That’s the least you deserve,” he says quietly. “And I’d expect no less from any man you choose to love.”


The word makes me go cold, then hot. A buzzing sensation courses through my body and something like desire, but so much different, overwhelms my senses.

“If I was yours,” he continues in a low voice, so quietly that only I can hear him, “I’d do one better and take care of you. I’d keep you safe, cherish you.”

The flush that takes over my body is total—from head to toe. My pulse pounds in my ears and I grip the edge of the table, ready to stand, lean in, capture the promise on his lips.

Instead, the clash of glass on tile pulls my attention away.

In the entrance of the restaurant, staring at only me, is the man I escaped a decade ago.


Chapter 20


Running on some primal instinct, I stand, both hands braced on the table, and stare down Autumn’s ex. If I were anything other than a well-dressed man in a high-end restaurant, I’d growl, but somehow, I’m still holding on to an ounce of decorum.

Kieran sees the sneer on my face and grins, taking one step toward us.

Only his eyes aren’t on me.

They’re locked on Autumn.

She’s frozen, a look of horror on her face. One hand clutches a knife. Good. Even scared, she’s ready to fight if she has to.

But I won’t let that happen.

I round the table easily and stand in front of her, breaking Kieran’s line of sight. The anger that rolls over his face like a thundercloud is mindless. I’ve seen it before on criminals, real criminals, and a shock of adrenaline goes through me at the realization.

Kieran might be more of a threat than I realized.