“And I believe you. If Stephen didn’t do it, then we have to look at other possibilities. And this is just too coincidental.”
Standing, I fill her in on the next steps—Jacobson’s team looking to identify suspects. Alex Gilmore potentially reaching out.
“If Kieran’s name comes up, or they find something to connect him…”
She nods reluctantly, understanding. Reaching out, I tuck a piece of her hair back.
“I know you don’t want to believe this about someone you loved once, Autumn, but we both know Kieran is a dangerous man. Maybe he’s capable of worse things than you realize. But I promise I’ll get this figured out, okay?”
Her hand is still in mine as she stands, her eyes on our intertwined fingers. She looks up at me, her eyes a storm of emotions. But she presses up on her toes and kisses me lightly. So lightly I almost think I imagine it.
Chapter 27
“Let me come with you.”
Chris’s eyes flash as he looks up from gathering his things. His cell is still on the screen with the newest footage. I can’t look at it.
“No. It’s better if you stay here.”
I rush to follow him as he strides toward the door, his shoulders set.
“Chris. I need to be there. I need to see.”
See what? The voice in my head scoffs. See your murderous ex?
A few more days of digging got the detectives what they needed. A camera at the back of the bar caught the girl, Alex, stepping out back for a cigarette. Seconds later, the man I’m now sure was Kieran followed her out.
Hand on the doorknob, Chris turns to face me.
“Autumn, this isn’t going to be easy. You know what this is; it’s going to be a confrontation. Kieran won’t be happy to see me.”
“He agreed to see you, though.”
“He did. Because he’s curious. If Kieran’s anything more than an idiot, he realizes that you’re mine, Autumn. He knows I’m not going down there to offer my services. I want to try to get some answers out of him while I still have time, and the detectives are doing me a favor.”
“What happens if he decides not to answer?” I ask, following him anxiously into the hallway where firm employees curiously glance our way. Chris’s eyes scan the area as he notices, too.
Turning, he puts his briefcase down and grips my shoulders.
“You know the answer to that, Autumn. You’re a lawyer. A good one.” His eyes bore into mine, and all of a sudden, I feel grounded in a way that I haven’t for the past few days. I’ve barely slept, tossing and turning all night, half afraid that Kieran would come in through the window.
Taking a deep breath, I get a hold of myself and hope he sees it.
“Okay. You’re right. But I need to come, Chris.” I lower my voice, stepping closer so that our conversation is more private. “I need to face him. At least from the other side of the glass.”
For a tense moment he appears closed off, eyes searching my face.
Then he nods.
“Fine. But you’re not talking to him, and I want you to stay out of sight. I don’t want him to know you’re there.”
Heart in my throat, I agree and we head quickly toward the parking garage.
Seeing Kieran this close still feels a little too real.
He’s about six feet away on the other side of glass. He can’t see me, but it feels like he can sense me. The smirk on his face—it’s so different from Chris’s. Menacing instead of teasing. There’s still a promise in it, but not one I want to cash in on.