Page 155 of The Omega Princess

I shrugged.

Sinclair shrugged.

The Queen met Eleri’s gaze with a long-suffering look. “Men.”

Eleri laughed. “You’re not wrong, Your Majesty.”

“But now, everything’s just fine?” said the Queen.

“Now, we’re going to live happily ever after,” said Maguire. “And if anyone has a problem with it, we’re going to have words.” He punctuated it with a growl.

“How intriguing,” said the Queen, amused. “It is interesting how a pack comes together, isn’t it?”

“Is a pack even a real thing?” said Rohan. “You still won’t let anyone scientifically study alpha packs—”

“So, I suppose we will have to make an official announcement about the pack,” said the Queen, utterly ignoring Rohan.

Rohan rolled his eyes.

I smirked.

The Queen fixed us both with a glare and we looked down at the carpet like naughty children.

“No objections to the official announcement?” said the Queen brightly.

“No objections,” said Eleri.

“Good,” said the Queen. “All of you are dismissed.”



I GUESS I hadn’t realized how much everything would change now that I had bites. I wanted it primarily for me, for us, so that we could all feel the connection together, and so I could belong to my men.

But now that we were all officially mated, we moved into one of the suites with a nest on the top floor of Neltingham Palace. I’d never seen anything like it. Ours had five rooms, one for each of us, though none of us ever ended up sleeping alone. They all connected to a nest in the middle of the suite, which was a big room with a mattress for a floor, with pillows built into the walls, and full of cushions and blankets and all things soft.

We all slept in the nest for the first month we were together, everyone tangled up, pillowed on each other’s arms and thighs. I slept squished between two or three alphas every night. They still liked tending their bites at that point.

Well. They never stopped liking to tend their bites, truthfully. It was a thing they’d do at all sorts of moments. If we were having a tender moment alone, me and one of my alphas, they’d often lick their mark after telling me they loved me. Sometimes, if I was fighting with someone, he’d calm me down by licking me there or I’d push his head down onto it and tell him to lick it. It always made the connection between us flare to life. The connection was stronger than anything.

When I first found out I was pregnant, years later, with Sinclair’s baby, the first thing he did after he found out the news was to put his tongue on his mark. He was pretty excited.

But I’m getting ahead of myself.

First, we moved into the suite.

We had to go to the bullpen the following day to get dolled up for the official announcement of the pack formation. That went much better than the last press conference we’d called. Notably, Sinclair and Devlin weren’t punching each other anymore.

The reporters asked if all it took was making love to the same woman to fix things between them and Sinclair said, “Well, maybe not any woman, but have you seen our omega?”

And everyone laughed.

They wanted to lick their marks on camera. During that period of time, sometimes, we’d end up separated for various reasons, and one of the first things they’d do when we got back in each other’s company was to locate their mark on my body and put their tongues on it.

But—no licking in front of the reporters, that was the rule—so it was mostly just their fingers, tracing the scabs of their bite marks because they were so fresh that they weren’t scarred yet.

All of the bites were still a little tender at that point, but it didn’t hurt when my alphas touched them, not even a little bit. It felt like a big flood of bright, warm light, like being wrapped in a blanket and held close, like being cherished. It could be sexual, too, but it didn’t have to be. It made me feel secure in this way I’d never even hoped I could feel.