Page 9 of Long & Hard

“You’re sure?”

“One hundred percent.” I cross my arms over my chest, feet shoulder-width apart, and keep my lips in a thin line.

“Alright, I’ll break things off with Lilian,” he agrees easily, which means he didn’t love her to begin with. Sucks for a good woman to get the short end of the stick when it comes to my dad. And I’m a dick enough to admit that as long as it works in my favor, I’m going to be damn happy.

“For what it's worth, Mom wouldn’t want you to live like this. She’d have wanted you to have a good life, a fulfilling life, and she’d want you to find someone to enjoy the rest of your life with.” I don’t bother waiting around for him to respond. What he does with the advice is his. Maybe one day he’ll figure it out, maybe he won’t. All I know is I’ve got a woman to get back home to, and I’m going to wake her up with my head buried between her thighs. That's how we’ll start our day, then we'll eat some breakfast, and if there’s a decent amount of waves, well, I’m going to get my woman out in the water.

12 Drena

“Kade,” I moan when I feel the slow and steady swipe of his tongue through my folds. In the early morning hours, he left me in his bed, sound asleep. Until I heard the beeping of his home alarm disengaging and then re-engaging. My eyes peeled opened, and I was ready to jump out of bed and see where he was going. I spent a few moments blinking my eyelids, controlling my racing heart while trying not to think the absolute worst, before I spotted the letter he left on the bed for me. I calmed down, read the note three more times before I slid it on the nightstand and rolled over. Clearly, sleep overcame me, and now I’m being woken up in the best possible way.

I push the sheets out of the way, wanting to watch the entire process of Kade getting me off. Clothes are never an option to fall asleep in when I’m spending the night with him. I’ve yet to spend a single day without seeing him, and I’m enjoying every single moment. I prop myself up on one elbow, my hand sliding down the middle of my chest, ready to delve into his dark tresses.

“My girl likes watching, doesn’t she?” Kade lifts his head away from me, causing me to lose his mouth on my clit. He doesn’t leave me disappointed for long. Two thick fingers slide inside my wet heat, curling upward, and I’m lost in another tidal wave of sensation. “Not sure what I want more of, your taste or keeping my eyes locked on you while you fall apart.” I’m unable to keep my eyes open. Losing the way he looks at me sucks, but really, it’s his fault. Kade’s the one hitting that spot, you know, the sensitive spot that has your toes curling, chills clinging to your skin, and you’re unsure of where or what to hold. Do you fist your fingers in the sheets, in your hair, or his?

“Kade.” I breathe out his name huskily and finally land on the sheets. My fingers grip them tightly as he keeps working my pussy. In and out, wiggling his two fingers up and down. I’m not going to last much longer.

“Eyes on mine, Drena, or I stop,” he dampens my mood, yet I do what he says. There’s no way I’ll willingly let this feeling go, not when I’m this close.

“Don’t stop,” I beg, eyes directed at him. Kade dips his head, his gaze staying locked on mine, and when he wraps his lips around my clit, well, I’m not sure I can hang on much longer. The perfect semblance of senses surrounds me— touch, sight, hearing, smelling, and tasting. Kade Callahan is singlehandedly sending shock waves through my entire being. My orgasm takes hold, and all I can do is scream his name.

“Goddamn, Drena,” I hear Kade say. I’m flat on my back, eyes firmly shut, my body as limp as a noodle. There’s no way I can so much as peel my body off the mattress, let alone open my eyes.

“I think another nap is needed.” My lips tilt upwards in a small smile. I hear Kade’s low chuckle. I’d open my eyes, except my energy is completely shattered.

“Babe, you’ve slept long enough. Gonna feed you, then we’re gonna surf. What time do you have lessons?” He’s making plans and asking a question when I’m pretty sure I should be doing similar. Except his note stated what he was doing. I read it so many times I can recite it verbatim.


Headed to Jasper’s. Got shit to take care of. I’ll be back soon. Keep your ass in bed where I left you.


“You cook. I’m going to rest. Lessons aren’t until two o’clock today. Can we be beach bums later?” Kade climbs up my body. He’s clothed to my nakedness, and damn, if that doesn’t spark another round of desire through my body.

“Nope, no more sleeping. Breakfast is on the counter waiting on us. So are the waves.” My eyes pop open. Kade’s above me, his hands on either side of my head, caging me in. This is the Kade Callahan I prefer. He’s dressed down, not in the fancy clothes we were both wearing last night.

“Bagel sandwich and iced coffee?” I ask, my energy coming to life at the thought of Wake Café.

“Yep.” His dog tags slip from his shirt. After that first time, he let me touch and read them. Now they’ve become a talisman of my own when we’re in bed. In instances like now, I’ll reach out and hold them, or the times I’m lying on his chest, I somehow always manage to wrap my fingers around them.

“Fine, I’ll get up, but first I need a kiss. Then bathroom, bathing suit, food, and beach, in that exact order.” Kade nods, dips his head, and his lips brush against mine. He’s trying to keep it light, but one taste of myself on them, and my legs are wrapping around his waist. There’s no way I’m not going to push for more, and when my tongue slides along his upper lip, Kade takes it a step farther. Our kiss turns hot and heavy. I can feel his thick cock beneath his shorts. The only problem I see now is how to convince him to fuck me instead of feeding me.

13 Drena

“Shit.” I take the last bite of my bagel as my phone rings next to me. Kade has long since finished his breakfast and coffee, wolfing his food down in such a way I’m sure it’s an after-effect from his time in the military. I hurriedly chew the food in my mouth so I can answer my mom’s call. Kade let me know he went to his dad’s office this morning to work things out. He didn’t elaborate, only mentioned to keep my phone near in case my mom reached out. That news set like a lead weight until he further explained what he and Jasper spoke about.

“Hey, Mom,” I answer the phone, swallowing my food whole, or so it feels. I grab the iced coffee, take a healthy sip, and wash it down. A shame really because any food from Wake Café should be savored. “Sorry, you caught me finishing breakfast, and I didn’t want to miss your call.” I’m hoping that will smooth the delayed response and muffled tone.

“Hi, sweetie, no problem. I wanted to reach out to you and talk to you first. I’d have rather done this face to face, but Kade let me know that you weren’t home.” Kade called my mother. Well, isn’t that an interesting tidbit of information he failed to mention. I swear, this man, he’s always surprising me.

“If you spoke to Kade, then I’m assuming you’re aware of everything else, too?” I ask, looking out at the ocean. There are several surfers waiting to catch a wave. One man in particular stands out. A lot of the girls and guys prefer to wear a wetsuit, but not Kade. He’s a board shorts kind of man, which helps me to easily find him. Especially with his choice of bathing suit attire today, black with bright pink stripping on the edges and big pink flowers.

“I’m sorry, Mom.” I promised Kade and myself I wouldn’t cry. There was no way I’d give him up. I’d live with the stigma if need be. Kade assured me that wouldn’t be the case. This was before he ever talked to his dad.

“Don’t you be sorry. You’ve got nothing to apologize for. I owe you one. Between this whole deal with Jasper and talking to Kade, I’ve had an epiphany, one I should have had a long time ago.” She takes a deep breath. I do as well, but also my coffee is calling my name, and since Kade knows my addiction all too well, especially when it comes to the summer months, he got me a large iced coffee, heavy on the cinnamon and caramel.

“Life isn’t always easy to navigate. I think we all got a reminder of that yesterday.” I break the silence. Kade starts paddling, riding in front of the wave, and I watch as he looks back, pops up, and then my man is doing the damn thing. He’s tried his hardest to teach me how to surf; it’s not been easy. I was ready to give up. My arms were sore, my stomach was aching from using my core to attempt to stand, and a slew of other stuff, too. Kade wouldn’t let me, and if it weren’t for me dragging ass, I’d be out there now. He’s also hell bent on the two of us riding together. On his Harley, it’s with me on the back. On a surfboard, it’ll be on the one he’s making for me.