Page 11 of Long & Hard

“Kade.” The soft purr of her voice tells me she’s ready for more.

“I love you, Drena. Gonna keep you as mine forever, put a ring on your finger, plant my baby in your belly, and wake up with you every morning.” I slam her down until I’m completely planted inside of her. The rippling of her cunt about tips me over the edge, but I’ll be damned if I come before her.

“I love you, Kade Callahan, so damn much. Please fuck me now.” Her eyes are locked on mine.

“Goddamn luckiest fuckin’ man alive.” My mouth lands on hers. She opens on a sigh, and my tongue snakes in. I keep up the pace, my hips lifting as she slams down. I kiss her, showing her exactly what she means to me, what she’ll always mean to me. Now and forever.



Three Months Later

“You ready?” Kade asks me in the living room. Every morning, we wake up with one another. Either with me waking him up or him waking me up. A mutual satisfaction of sorts. We still can’t seem to keep our hands off one another. I think the small bump I’m sporting could tell the outside world all they need to know, as well as the ring on my finger.

“Yep, just need to get my board.” The Florida sun is harsh as it is, but now that I’m pregnant, my skin is like a beacon to receive a burn. Therefore, a rash guard has become a necessity.

“My girl is not carrying her board.” I take my last sip of orange juice and roll my eyes at his caveman behavior.

“You do realize I carry all the groceries inside the house in one trip. It probably weighs the same. I’m not a weakling just because I’m pregnant, Kade Callahan.” My hands go to my hips, ready to have this out. He’s already put a stop to me riding on the back of his Harley. Now I can’t carry my board, a board he made for me. Sure, it’s a longboard, but it’s not all that heavy either.

“Not when I’m home, you don’t. You wanna surf, I’m carrying your board. No man worth his salt would watch his wife, the mother of his unborn child, do that shit.” Kade walks toward me, his arms out, and I already know where his hands are going to land. He likes to hold my stomach no matter where we’re at. A part of me thinks he doesn’t realize what he’s doing half the time. Another part knows it’s a protective thing, too. Especially out in public. Here at home, it’s because he likes to touch me, and that’s okay because I love his touch.

“I hear you. Pretty sure the whole town knows what you think, too.” We went to Wake Café the other day, and I picked up a piece of pottery. I’m not saying it wasn’t heavy; it was, but I also knew my limit. The heavy pot was too much for me to lift to see if it had drain holes for the plant. Kade saw what I was after and grumbled about me doing it all on my own. Of course, other people heard, but he didn’t care. Needless to say, we bought the pot, grabbed our coffee and breakfast, then we went to the farmer’s market, and I’m pretty sure Kade will never want to go again. I would have thought his rule of me not carrying anything when he’s not around would be resolved. They had a lot of plants, fresh fruit and vegetables, loaves of homemade bread, and then I picked up a wind spinner for my mom. Kade carried everything. Not a single word was said, but I did notice that when I mentioned going back next weekend, he stayed quiet.

“Don’t give a shit about that either. Now, you ready to surf? Your mom will be here in a couple of hours, and surfing wipes you out.” A smile crosses my face. My mom, true to her word, has worked on our relationship. She even went on a sabbatical and traveled up and down the east coast. Mom still isn’t dating. Apparently, her one foray with marriage left a bad taste in her mouth. As for Jasper Callahan, well, Kade said he’s washing his hands of his dad until he makes changes. I’m hoping it happens. Sure, it’ll be a little bit awkward with my mom and his dad around, but we can work around it for the sake of our child.

“And you won’t take a nap with me now?” I bat my eyelashes at him. He’ll lie down with me every single time. He may not stay the whole time, but there are times I’ll wake up and he’ll still be wrapped around my body.

“You want me there, I’m there. Now, come on. The waves are good today.” Kade runs his fingers along the top of my bathing suit, igniting a different kind of flame. One that has me ready to say forget surfing, let’s go back to bed. “Later.”

“You didn’t even know what I was going to say.” I push out my bottom lip in a pout.

“My girl is standing there, nipples hard, desire on her face, and I know you, babe. I know if I slid my hand inside your bathing suit bottoms, my fingers would be slick with your wetness.” He drops a kiss on my nose with his bombshell of a statement, leaves me standing where I am, and walks toward the sliding glass door in nothing but his board shorts.

“You’re not being very nice,” I say to his back, a sexy one at that. Kade looks over his shoulder, a smirk on his face, and tosses out, “You love me the way I am.”

He’s right, I do, which is why I’m already walking toward him. Damn, but I love my husband.



Three Years Later

“Be quiet, Drena,” I tell my wife. She’s bent over the bathroom counter. Our three-year-old little girl, Isabella, Izzy for short, is taking a nap, but that doesn’t mean she won’t wake up and barge her cute little self inside our room. It probably wasn’t a smart idea to fuck my wife’s ass during nap time, not with Izzy and her penchant for boycotting them at a drop of a hat. Even a day at the beach, building sandcastles, surfing, and running around doesn’t wear her out. Drena swears she’s exactly like me when it comes to having all the energy in the world. I think our baby girl has me beat. Today was one of those days when Izzy’s energy was completely shot, going so far as asking for me to carry her up the beach and to our house. She was asleep before we cleared the dunes.

“Stop fucking me so good, then, Kade,” she tosses back. Her hair is down, a tangled mess from the salt in her hair. We hadn’t made it to the shower yet before she was on me. I’m not complaining, though. Any day my wife wants me to fuck her, I’m more than ready. When she added that it’d been too long since she felt me in her ass, the game was fucking on.

“I do that, you’ll bitch at me, too.” She slams her body back, taking more of my cock. She’s especially greedy today. I woke her up with an orgasm, and it’s only early afternoon now. The last time she was this needy, Drena was pregnant. She didn’t know it then, but once she took the test, it all became clear. “Drena, look at me.” I watch her reflection in the mirror. Her forearms are on the quartz countertop, cheeks rosy and lips plump from her biting on them to stay quiet.

“I swear if you stop fucking me, Kade, I’ll finish myself off.” She takes one hand away from the counter. I narrow my eyes, pulling my hips back and pushing forward. She doesn’t stop her descent, but she does keep her hand away from her clit. Instead, it cups my balls. I breathe through the sensation and keep powering in and out of her tight ass.

“My girl is pregnant, isn’t she?”

“How do you know? I only took the test this morning.” My hand slides to her clit. I’m going to come, and she will, too.

“Look at you. You’re so hot for my dick that you’re threatening me. The last time you were this way, you were pregnant with Izzy.” She lifts her body, hands going behind my back, and I dip my hips in order to stay inside her.