Page 24 of Double Team

chaining themselves to my bed and refusing to leave."

Grace laughs. "I'm sure."

"There was the girl who handcuffed herself to your car," I recall.

"Oh yeah," Aiden groans. "That was really not my fault, either. I didn't even know her. She cuffed herself right to the door handle."

"That's dedication," Grace says.

"No one's ever chained themselves to a car door for you?" I ask.

Grace sighs dramatically. "Not even once, sadly. Two guys did send a drone with a blow-up doll into my yard, though."

"That was one guy," I point out.

"It would have been a winning plan if your Secret Service agents had a better sense of humor," Aiden points out.

"They don't," Grace informs us. "No one does, when it comes to me. Which is why I don't date or… Look, out here at the ranch, it's risky enough being with you. But at least there's a plausible reason for us being in the same house. There's no reason for you to be in my house or me in your house when we're back in Denver."

"Do your security people report to your father?" I ask.

"No," Grace says quickly. "Not really. I mean, I don't think they have. It was part of the deal when I agreed to protection. But they could."

"And then they'd be out of a job, right?" I ask. “Or at the very least, out of this position guarding you, which honestly seems like a pretty cushy one.”

"That's true," Grace agrees.

"Well, it's not like we're trying to broadcast what we're doing to the world," Aiden says.

"What… What are we doing?" Grace asks.

"Well, you see, when two guys think a girl is hot and she won't choose between either of them…" I start.

"I mean, this is crazy," Grace protests. "I don't know how this is supposed to work."

"I don't know how this is supposed to work, either," I tell her. "It's not like Aiden and I have ever done this before."

"Well, you seem to know exactly what you're doing."

Aiden grins and reaches over to high-five me. "We're naturally skilled."

"And modest," Grace adds.

"Why be modest when you're this good?" Aiden replies.

"I've never done anything like this before," I reiterate.

"Neither have I," Aiden says quickly. "Not even with any cheerleaders."

Grace laughs. "That's… good to know."

"The point is, we don't know what the damn rules are either," I tell her.

"We should make our own," Aiden says.

"The only rule we need is that you don't grab my fucking ass," I grumble. "Or try to cuddle with me."

"And no crossing swords," Aiden says. "I don't want to touch your…"

"Throbbing manhood?" Grace suggests.

"Neither of us touch each other's junk," I interrupt. "That should be assumed."

"And in the case of accidental touching, there's no mention of it again," Aiden says.

"Total silence," I agree. "Also, you're ours."

Aiden nods. "I think that's a given."

"Excuse me?" Grace asks.

"You heard me," I say, squeezing her ass cheek again. The gesture sends arousal coursing through me and my cock twitches. "You’re ours. We claimed you."

"All of you," Aiden reiterates. "In the shower."

Grace face flushes scarlet. "I remember," she says. "I'm not some kind of toy, you know. Or your property."

"I guess now isn't the time to bring up the 'Property of Aiden and Noah' tattoo we wanted you to get?" Aiden asks.

"Property of Noah and Aiden," I say.

"Alphabetical order is only fair," Aiden argues.

"Bigger dick goes first," I reply.

"Oh, so it would still be me."

Grace sighs loudly. "Are you two finished?"

"Not quite," I tell her, sliding my hand between her legs and pushing her thighs open. Aiden holds her right leg so that she's wide open between us, and I slide my fingers between her legs. "Rule number one – the real one this time - is that this is ours and only ours."

"The two of you are pigs," Grace whispers, but her breath catches when my finger begins circling her clit.

"We're possessive," Aiden says and Grace laughs. "Is there something funny about that?"

"I haven't been with anyone in two years," Grace says. "And now I'm hooking up with two men."

I'm hooking up with two men. The way she says it, casually like it's no big deal, sends a pang of irritation through me. Except it isn't a big deal. It can't be, not with who she is, and who we are – and the fact that I'm negotiating with teams outside of Colorado. But when I hear her say it that way, it sounds wrong somehow.

It also feels wrong that I haven't told her I'm taking offers from teams outside Colorado. But I shove that thought aside.

"Well, you can hook up with just one of us if you want to," Aiden says. "Obviously, I'd be the better choice, especially since I'm stay—"

Staying in Colorado. That's what that fucker is about to say. I interrupt him. "Or we can just pass you back and forth," I joke.

"Wow, I can't imagine why either of you are single," Grace says. "First you own me, now you're talking about passing me back and forth? You really know how to sweet-talk a girl."

"I'm better when I'm not talking," Aiden admits, grinning as he pulls himself up and moves between Grace's legs. I watch as he dips his face to her pussy and drags his tongue up the middle, stopping suddenly to look up. "Wait. Can we?"

"Can you what?" she asks, already distracted. My cock hardens at the sight of Grace like this, her back arched and her breasts in the air, nipples erect like perfect little buttons.

"Can we proceed if one of us isn't around?" Aiden asks.

"Uh-huh," she moans, her hand on Aiden's head as he buries his face between her legs. She reaches for my cock, wrapping her hand around my shaft as Aiden eats her. "If you and Noah want to fool around with each other when I'm not around, that's fine."

She yelps, the sound turning into a long moan as Aiden thrusts his fingers inside her. "Just for that, I'm not going to let you come until both of us do," he says, and I agree.

We're true to our word, too. Aiden brings her to the edge over and over until she's panting and breathless and wanting. She sits upright against a mountain of pillows with his face between her legs, and I kneel in front of her. When she wraps her lips around my cock, it's all I can do not to thrust my length down her throat. I hold back, even when I'm pulling her hair and fucking her mouth. I hold back even when the moaning sounds she makes send vibrations up my cock that make me want to come that instant. I hold back because I can't get enough of her warm wet mouth on my cock. I can't get enough of the way she looks up at me as she sucks me, the way her eyes try to close as she heads towards climax, the look of frustration on her face when Aiden pulls away and doesn't let her come.

It's the look of frustration that does me in. I let go, filling her mouth, and she swallows every last drop.

Then we switch places, Aiden's cock in her mouth and me between her legs. The ultimate good girl – prim, proper, raised by the President - arches her hips up and squeezes my head between her thighs, trying desperately to fuck my face as she sucks another man's cock, right after I just came down her throat. There's something about how filthy, forbidden, and crazy this is that makes it impossible to resist.

And I'm done with resisting it. I want Aiden and I to fuck the hell out of this girl and I just don't want to stop.



"Aren't there secret tunnels under the White House and shit?" Aiden asks, spearing another forkful of pancake. We're sitting at a long farmhouse table in the kitchen with a ridiculous amount of breakfast food on platters in the middle of the table – not plates, but platters. The kind you'd use to serve a large family. Noah scrambled a dozen eggs, fried up a pound of bacon, and made a stack of pancakes a mile high. It's one in the morning, and both of them insisted they couldn't possibly sleep on empty stomachs, so here we are, sitting ar

ound the table. Noah and Aiden are in shorts and t-shirts and I'm wearing one of Noah's shirts that's approximately twenty sizes too large for me. Sitting here with them is familiar and comfortable and… so damn easy.

Noah rolls his eyes. "Strippers aren't coming into the White House through secret tunnels."

"Just saying. There had to be a way for Marilyn to get in to see JFK," Aiden says, pointing at us with his fork.

"You literally know nothing about politics, but secret tunnels and Marilyn Monroe, these are the things you retain in your brain?"

Aiden grins. "It's a gift."

"It's something." Noah snorts.

"The Playboy mansion had secret tunnels under it too," Aiden points out. "In the seventies. True fact – I read it on the internet."

"When did you learn to read?" Noah asks.

"Wow, Noah. Sex really makes you funny," Aiden replies. "Wait, nope, it doesn't."

"Have you two always been like this?" I ask.

"You mean brilliant and charming?" Aiden asks.

"She means you're annoying," Noah chides.

I laugh. "That is not what I meant."

"We're worse when we go back to West Bend," Aiden says.

"You mean, you're worse." Noah shakes his head and munches on a piece of bacon. "Keeping him from doing stupid shit used to be my full-time job."

Aiden snorts. "He's a liar. He used to do plenty of it with me."

"Nope," Noah disagrees. "Remember when you tied mattresses to yourself and got on our roof and jumped off?"

Aiden laughs. "I'm lucky Mama Ashby didn't kick me out on my ass after that. She was pissed. I mean, cat-in-a-bath pissed off. You were the one doing the tying, though, so don't act like you're all innocent and I was just a stupid kid."

"Did it work?" I ask, laughing. "The mattresses, I mean. Did they cushion you?"

"Obviously, they did not. He hit his head," Noah says.

Aiden grins. "It's okay, my brains are all in the head between my legs."

"Say what you will about him, but at least he's honest," Noah says.

"Your poor mothers," I say, then immediately regret my words, thinking of Aiden's mother who died. "I didn't mean –"

"It's okay," Aiden reassures me. "Shit, if my mom were alive, she'd say the same thing. I gave her so much grief as a kid. Hell, Noah and I both did. If we weren't getting into trouble at his house, we were getting into it at mine."

"It sounds fun," I say. "Small town life, I mean."

"Says the girl who grew up jet-setting around the world," Aiden replies.

"Uh… no," I say, laughing. "I mean, sure, boarding school in Switzerland –"

Aiden and Noah raise their eyebrows dramatically and give each other meaningful looks as they pick up their glasses, pinkies extended.

"It wasn't like that," I protest.

"Boarding school in Switzerland wasn't fancy?" Noah asks, his voice skeptical.

"It was a little fancy –" I start.

"Were there uniforms?" Aiden shovels a bite of what has to be his sixth pancake into his mouth.

"At boarding school? Yes, but –"

"Plaid skirt?" Noah asks, suddenly enthralled with where this conversation is going.

"Navy blue, but –"

"Pleated?" Noah asks.

"Pigtails and a white shirt, tied up under your –" Aiden starts.

"No, boarding school was not a Britney Spears music video," I say primly. "It was serious."

"You were a nerd, weren't you?" Noah asks.

"Not… really."

“Were you valedictorian?” Noah asks.

“Did you research me?”

“Just a hunch.”

“Fine. Yes, I was valedictorian.”

“Totally a nerd,” Aiden says. “Did you date any jocks?”

“In high school or in college?” I ask.


I exhale. “No.”

“No jocks, huh?” Noah asks, eating a bite of eggs. “What was your type, then?”

My face reddens. “No one in high school.”

“You didn’t date anyone?”

“It wasn’t a priority,” I answer, suddenly defensive. “I was studying.”

“Like Noah.” Aiden nods toward him as he puts another pancake – his seventh? – onto his plate. “He’s practically a monk.”

“Football was my priority," Noah replies, an edge in his voice.

Aiden grins. “You know what my priority is right now?” he asks, his eyes on mine. “Dessert.”

I raise my eyebrows. “Dessert? After all this?”

Noah and Aiden exchange glances. “Yup.”

“I can’t believe you guys can even eat anything else after - ”

I’m cut off mid-sentence as Noah stands and picks me right up out of my chair, flipping me over his shoulder with my ass in the air. I let out a shriek as they carry me back to Noah’s bedroom and show me exactly how much football players can eat.



I thought that the return to Denver, back to my normal life and the foundation, would take whatever was happening between Noah and Aiden and I down a notch. After all, the threat of my security detail leaking details of my personal life to my parents is hanging over me like a black cloud.

Except that threat hasn't done anything to dampen what's happening with the three of us.

I’ve become reckless - completely and utterly reckless. I told Brooks and Davis that I was working on a football-related charity project with Aiden and Noah that required visits to their house and