Page 19 of Double Team

replaced with one single thought:

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

I just stare.

"You're…" My voice drifts off as my breath hitches in my throat. "Um… huge."


They're both massive - walls of rippling muscle, defined abs, and… the biggest, hardest cocks I've ever seen. When they begin to slowly stroke those cocks right in front of me, my face warms and the throbbing between my legs reminds me of what I want.

"Well, I'm bigger," Aiden says.

"Really? You fucking think so?" Noah challenges him.

“Maybe we should let Grace decide,” Aiden responds, his eyes on mine. He gives me a cocky smile. “What do you think?”

Think? There’s no thinking going on right now because all of the blood in my brain has shifted downward. I think my IQ has dropped significantly, rendering me stupid and incapable of forming a complete thought, let alone articulating a coherent sentence. “I think…” My voice drifts off as I summon the courage and words to say exactly what I think. “I want…”

“Don’t tell me you’re speechless,” Noah teases.

“Yeah, I want to hear that pretty little mouth of yours describe exactly what you want,” Aiden chimes in.

Noah groans, his hand running down his length. “So do I.”

“I want… your cocks.” I pause, exhaling and then taking a deep, slow breath before I continue. My heart races wildly in my chest. Okay, I’m going to say it. “I want your cocks. In. My. Mouth.” I gulp a deep breath between each word not because I’m trying to be emphatic, but because I’m trying to maintain my courage. “I want to taste both of you.”

For a second, they just stand there unmoving – both of them staring at me, their hands on their dicks.

Shit. Did I say the wrong thing?

“Okay. This wasn’t the exact reaction I was hoping for."

Aiden swears under his breath, something unintelligible.

“Holy fuck, that mouth,” Noah says. “Are you sure?”

Am I sure?

I’m about to get on my knees and put my mouth on the cocks of two football players. No, I’m not fucking sure. I think I might be temporarily insane – or hell, permanently insane.

I nod, swallowing hard. “Yes. I’m sure.”

“Grace,” Aiden says, his voice low in his throat. He kisses me softly, and I taste a hint of me still on his lips. His gentle kiss is followed by Noah’s powerful one, each distinct and sexy in their own way.

I slide my palms over their chests and down their abs until I reach their cocks. I kneel in front of them, taking their cocks in my hands.

"Fuck," Noah groans. "Keep stroking me just like that."

When Aiden moans, it’s all the encouragement I need. “I’d rather have you between my lips.”

“Shit, Grace, you have such a filthy little mouth,” Aiden says.

New Grace seems to have taken Old Grace's inhibitions and thrown them out the window. New Grace is dirty as hell. I smile at Aiden, taking his cock in my hand and licking it from base to tip. Then I do the same to Noah. “That’s right,” I agree. “And I want you to fuck my filthy little mouth.”

“You keep talking like that,” Noah starts, his voice faltering as I put my lips around the head of his cock, “and doing what you’re doing, and I’m going to come in that filthy mouth of yours.”

“We both will,” Aiden says.

My core throbs its response. Why does the prospect of taking both of them – tasting both of them – make my body respond the way it does?

“Promise?” I ask.

Both of them growl. Literally. Like animals.

I’ve never watched porn before, but I feel like a porn star kneeling with two men’s rock-hard cocks in my hands – like I’m sexy, and powerful, and in control. My hand gripping Noah’s shaft, I turn to the side, touching my tongue to the tip of Aiden’s dick and tasting the salty-sweet pre-cum where it beads.

“That’s so fucking hot,” Aiden says, looking at me with half-lidded eyes.

Lightly stroking Noah, I wrap my lips around Aiden's cock. I suck, taking him deeper for a few strokes, teasing him by pulling away to direct my oral attention to Noah. I alternate back and forth, taking each man in and savoring the differences between the way their cocks feel in my mouth and the way their wetness tastes on my tongue.

When I close my eyes for a moment, Noah orders me to open them. “Look at me, Grace. Look at us. We want to see you.”

So I do. My eyes don't leave theirs, the connection with each of them intensifying as I quickly find a rhythm. Their hands tangle in my hair – Noah's grasp firm, Aiden's more gentle. Everything about this should feel wrong.

Except it doesn’t.

They talk to me the entire time, telling me how wet and warm and tight my mouth is, how it feels when my tongue flicks their dicks, how they want me to swallow them deeper and deeper. The throbbing between my legs intensifies in response to their dirty talk until I’m moaning as I suck them, my entire body turned on by the act of pleasuring both men at the same time. My nipples are erect, begging for attention, my clit so swollen that I can barely keep from touching myself.

“It’s like your sweet little mouth was made for us,” Aiden says, his hand caressing my face as I move down his shaft.

"It was made for both of us," Noah growls when I turn to him. His fingers entwine in my hair as he fucks my mouth, his movements less gentle than Aiden's, and I think he's starting to lose control.

I think I might like it.

When I take my attention away from him, substituting my hand for my lips as I turn to Aiden, Noah lets out a long, frustrated groan. "Your mouth is heaven."

"Did you think about this, Grace?" Aiden asks, his eyes searching mine. "Did you think about sucking both of our cocks when you touched yourself?"

I pull away to answer, stroking each of them in my hands, their cocks well-lubricated by my saliva and their pre-cum. "Yes," I answer, breathless from my own arousal.

Right now, I want them so badly I can hardly think about anything else but the incessant throbbing between my legs. Right now, I want to jerk them off until they come all over me. Right now, I want to swallow them whole.

"Knowing you have both of us in the palms of your hands makes you wet, doesn't it?" Noah asks. "We're at your mercy and you love it."

Fuck. “Yes.”

Aiden groans loudly, and I think he might explode as I stroke him. But Noah growls, taking my hand away. "Slide your fingers between your legs right now.”

"Show us how wet you are, sugar," Aiden agrees. He takes over for me, his cock in his hand, watching me.

I already know how wet I am.

But now I show them. Slipping my fingers between my legs, I coat them with my slickness and hold them up so they can see. "I’m… really wet.”

I'm turned on by the fact that these two men are standing over me jerking themselves off. I'm not sure who I am right now.

“Have you ever touched yourself in front of two men before?” Noah asks.

“I think you already know the answer to that question," I reply. "I’ve never done it in front of one person, let alone two."

“Oh, hell,” Aiden groans.

“Slide your fingers between your legs, Grace. I want to see you touch yourself. Show us how you touched yourself when you were thinking about us,” Noah orders.

So I do. With one hand braced against Noah's muscular thigh, I press my fingers against my clit as I watch both of them stroke their cocks above me. Their expressions are already strained and I know they must be close to exploding.

I want to taste them when they do.

The thought makes me even hotter.

“Fuck yourself with your fingers,” Aiden says, as if he can read my mind and my desires.

Whimpering, I do exactly that. My pussy is slick and my fingers slip easily inside. I can’t suppress the moan that escapes my lips as I press the palm of my hand against my clit.

>   I want more. I want them inside me. I want them in my mouth.

I want to taste everything from them.

I'm practically delirious, out of my mind with lust as I bring myself closer to the edge. I fuck myself with my fingers, wanting it to be their cocks instead.

Then Noah warns me: "Fuck, Grace, I'm close. I'm going to come all over those perfect tits of yours if you don't tell me not to."

"Not before I do," Aiden chimes in.

I’m about to chide them for the competitiveness – competitive coming?! – but I don’t. Instead, I look up at them and I open my mouth.

It's literally an open invitation for them.

"Is that what you want, Grace?" Noah growls. "You want us to come in your mouth?"


I nod, no time to speak the word before the prospect of tasting them pushes me over the edge and I'm coming. I grip Noah's thigh, my fingernails digging into him as I cry out.

My cries mix with theirs as they come on my open mouth. The taste of their cum mingles together, the combination salty and sweet and familiar and new all at the same time.

I feel filthy. Absolutely filthy.

And I've never felt more alive.



Holy shit.

Grace kneels on the floor with her face turned upward. Grace, the head of a foundation. Grace, the woman volunteering her time with a children's charity. Grace, the fucking daughter of the President of the United States of America. Grace, who’s classy and smart and funny and pretty and… covered in my cum.

Our cum.

What the hell was I thinking? What the hell were we thinking?

She opens her eyes and looks at me with flushed pink cheeks, her face radiant. Then she takes her index finger, wipes it along a droplet of cum near her chin and… puts it in her fucking mouth.

I think I could come again watching her suck her finger clean.

It's like a switch was flipped in her or something – timid, hesitant, self-conscious Grace is gone and in her place is a shit-sure-of-herself vixen.

Noah and I reach for her hands and pull her to her feet.

Then she pauses, a flicker of doubt in her eyes. "That was…" Her voice trails off.

“Fucking hot,” Noah says quickly.

“Really fucking hot,” I agree, kissing Grace tenderly on the lips. I’m afraid that the expression that just passed across her face means she's thinking about what just happened, that she's regretting it, and that she's about to run screaming out of the kitchen. I'd do just about anything in the world to keep her from doing that. “We should get you cleaned up.”

"Let's get you to the shower," Noah suggests.

I just came, yet my cock twitches at the suggestion of getting into the shower with Grace, even if it’s with Noah at the same time. I don’t care how I have to have this girl. I just want her, even if I have to share her. “We can definitely take care of you in the shower.”

I slide one arm behind Grace's back and the other under her knees, picking her up before she can protest – or Noah can pick her up himself. She feels so tiny in my arms.

“I’m perfectly capable of walking down the hallway,” she argues.

“I know. I’m just concerned you’re going to have second thoughts and take off out of here, and I don’t want that to happen before we get you in the shower.”

“It’s for your own good,” Noah chimes in, walking ahead of us toward his room.

“For my own good?”

“We made you a mess, we need to clean you up,” he explains.

“We really, really made you a mess,” I agree.

“So the shower is solely for my benefit, huh?" Grace's face is close to mine and I just want to kiss her again and again.

“A hundred percent,” Noah assures her. “We don’t have any untoward intentions, do we, Aiden?”

“I don’t know what untoward means, but if Noah is suggesting I’m not going to try to put my penis in you the first chance I get, you should know he doesn’t speak for me. Because I’m going to. So don’t drop the soap.”

Grace slaps my chest playfully. “Has anyone ever told you that you're a pig?"

Noah snorts. I ignore him because, well, I can’t really get mad at anything right now, not after Grace’s lips were just wrapped around my cock. In fact, I'm practically fucking whistling as I walk.

“In the shower, I’ll show you just how much of a pig I can be,” I reply, my voice exaggeratedly seductive.

Grace wrinkles her nose. “I’m not sure what that means, but it sounds terrible.”

Noah groans. “Seriously, dude. I never realized how little game you actually have.”

“Good thing I have a big dick.”

Grace can’t even hide the way she blushes when I say it.

“You are a big dick,” Noah says.

I carry Grace inside the master suite – Noah’s master suite – and into the giant shower. When I set her down on her feet inside on the marble tile, I bump into Noah and for a second, it's probably the most uncomfortable and awkward situation in human history, even if there is a naked girl standing right in front of us.

After all, Noah is my best friend in the world. And yeah, I’ve seen him naked more times than I can count in locker rooms, but that doesn’t mean I want to see him naked in any other context. Or that I want to see him fuck a woman. Or that I want him to watch me fuck a woman.

Or that I want a woman to give us blowjobs at the same time.

But I really, really want Grace.

And what happened in the kitchen a few minutes ago wasn’t all that awkward when it was happening. Watching Noah put his mouth between Grace’s legs should have made me jealous as hell, except it didn’t.

In fact, something about watching them together turned me on.

I don’t know what the hell that means.

I don’t have time to think about it, though, because just then Grace slips a little on the wet tile in the shower, letting out a little shriek as she slides into me. I react quickly, grabbing her arm to hold her up. When she laughs, she falls against my chest and my arms slip around her back like it’s the most natural thing in the world.

The instant she touches me, I’m hard again. It’s like I’m a teenage boy and she’s the first girl I’ve ever crushed on. It’s embarrassing as hell how much I want this woman.

Grace looks up at me, her hands on my chest, her green eyes wide and bright. When I press my lips to hers, she opens for me. Her tongue seeks out mine, almost like she's suddenly uncertain, even though she just had my cock between her lips. The fact that she’s hesitating makes her more endearing.

I'm floating on a damn cloud. So much so that I don't even mind when Noah kisses her. Or when his hands cup her breasts. We’re so competitive about everything in the fucking world, yet somehow we stand here with Grace in the shower, soaping her wet body like this is a damn team effort.

“I think I’m probably clean now,” Grace whispers as I run my