I jerked awake, my hips stuttering to completion against the mountain of pelts, a pool of cum seeping through my paper-thin underwear. Fuck, I couldn’t even remember the last time I’d had a wet dream—or one ever making me feel worse.
It had been roughly two weeks since the mating. I’d lost track of the days, to be honest. Time was foggy, and I was barely functioning. All I knew was sexual frustration beyond belief and a constant ache in my belly that had my dick chubbing up with even the slightest wind. I was at the point where my every thought, both waking and not, had been taken over by Vo’ak. Every heated look he sent my way, every soft touch, every purr set me on fire, and I was at my wit’s end.
It had to be something to do with this weird bond thing, because I’d never felt this horny before, and I absolutely should not have been mourning the dick of a guy who’d literally bought and enslaved me—not to this extent, anyway. I’d been furiously trying to keep busy, crocheting till my fingers hurt, but it wasn’t working. I’d made three blankets and four bobble hats, only to discover the tiny dicks I’d mindlessly hidden in the stitching of each. I needed to find a new outlet, or I’d explode.
Either that, or I’d find the king and ride him until we both cried.
No preference.
Vo’ak wanted me, that much was obvious. The guy was cockiness incarnate, usually so suave and tactical with all his looks and touches, but in the last few days, he’d been off his game. Skipping straight past smug grins, all the way to sniffing me like his life depended on it—like he was struggling just as I was.
We’d been close to fucking a few times since Fiona had walked in on us, and even though he still tried to give me space, he was slacking in his routine of leaving before I woke up. Every morning there was a hard, leaking cock pressed between my ass cheeks, and soft rumbles vibrating against my ear. Sexy rumbles that got me hard as a rock even in sleep, and somehow momentarily soothed the agony.
But then Vo’ak would leap out of bed and disappear for the day, taking us right back to square one. It was exhausting, and though I was equally guilty for the ban on sex, I didn’t understand why Vo’ak was so adamant about not coaxing me into it, especially with the progress we’d made. It was as if he’d taken heed of my reluctance in the beginning and had actually listened. Consent, what a wild concept, right? Honestly, I was touched that he was learning, but at this point, I’d probably worship the guy if he pinned me down and used me like a toy.
I was that desperate.
Yeah, I still wanted to leave, and no, I wasn’t condoning what had happened to me or rejoicing in my lack of free will, but for whatever reason, I was craving dick. I needed it, like, yesterday, so what would really be the harm in taking it? It wouldn’t exactly be a hardship. He was gorgeous, so I’d just be making the best of a bad situation. I’d been in enough of those that it should have been second nature to dive right in, but I was stalling.
On our wedding night, I’d warmed a little to the prospect of regularly putting out. Sure, that was before I’d been stretched to within an inch of my life and had come back to my senses, but part of me had never really lost that desire. In my head, I could argue, quite adamantly, that appeasing my owner and receiving pleasure was totally fine. I mean, my main issue was that I didn’t want anything to hinder my chances of going home, but a little bit of mutual pleasure didn’t have to complicate my escape plans. I could have sex without getting attached, surely. It was just sex, and it was pretty darn self-destructive to deny myself that simple comfort while I was biding my time.
Come on, I was a trainwreck, but there was no way I was gonna fall in love with the dude who… Okay, that argument was getting boring, but my point still stood. I had no interest in anything more than mind-blowing orgasms. Loads of them. So the reason I wasn’t currently on my back with my legs in the air couldn’t be anything other than spite. My head clearly still held a grudge while my body was willing to be fucked stupid.
Now, if I could just find a way to switch my brain off, that’d be fucking peachy.
I ripped away the top layer of pelts and leaped out of bed, cringing at the sticky mess coating the inside of my pants. Despite the speed with which I peeled off the sodden fabric, wiped myself down with a damp cloth and shoved on my shirt-dress, I wasn’t feeling particularly energized. When did I ever? I needed to blow off some steam—sexual steam, if that wasn’t already clear—right the fuck now, so I wasn’t in the mood to trudge and dawdle.
I staggered down to the bathing spring with the intent of cooling off, relieved to find not a single living soul occupying the crisp, clean waters—mostly because my dick had decided to chub up on the way, making a tent in my shirt-dress, and I did not fancy explaining that one.
The clan was probably too busy with their jobs to be lazing around in the spring. Wash time was typically early or late, but never in the middle of the day—luckily for me. There were occasions when hunters slacked off to dip their toes or wash off the stains of their kills, but today, there was no one in sight.
Thank fuck, because, with the state I was in, I genuinely didn’t think it would have stopped me.
I didn’t feel even a little self-conscious as I tore off my shirt and stepped into the pool. The turquoise water was cool against my heated skin, a temporary relief. I ducked under, combing my fingers through my hair and slicking it back before scrubbing at my face. I had bathed yesterday, so I didn’t need to wash up, but rubbing my skin pink gave my hands something to focus on, briefly taking my mind off my… situation.
Even that was short-lived, though. I should’ve called it, to be fair. I couldn’t seem to break the cycle. The busier my fingers got, brushing at my sensitive skin, the more I imagined rougher hands, scales and claws, caressing and scratching. I could almost feel the puffs of his hot breath on my neck—his lips, his fangs, both sweet and possessive, marking me.
Making me his.
I sighed skyward. There was no point in praying for strength, because I’d probably still follow my dick anyway. I trudged over to a flat rock in the middle of the pool, blindly hoping that leaning against the jagged surface would somehow ground me. It didn’t.
The spring was a beautiful place, colorful and serene. The waterfall in the background created the perfect ambience, and normally, I would have lounged on this very rock like a siren on a shipwreck, observing and basking, but I was having difficulty rousing the interest right now. I should’ve been thinking about escape, hatching plans or whatever prisoners did, but instead, I was propped against a rock, curling a hand around my dick and jerking off. It had to be done. I needed relief, or I’d really go insane, and what use would I be to anyone, then?
I was so turned on it actually hurt, my cock fattening from rock hard to solid diamond with one long stroke.A fizzle of lightning branched out from my balls to my toes, and my eyes rolled into the back of my head. Why did I feel so much more responsive? My nipples were throbbing, begging to be pinched when they typically felt kinda numb. It was strange and strangely good. Too much but not enough. Confusing as fuck. I hadn’t been like this before landing on this dumb planet.
It was all the aliens’ fault.
Vo’ak’s cock was poisonous or something. It had to be, ’cause hell, I was dying. Of course, that would mean he was also the antidote, and that just solidified the theory. He’d poisoned me with his monster dick so that I’d crave him, and only him. It seemed logical to my sex-addled brain, but so did jerking off in public, so I wasn’t exactly the best judge.
I fisted my length every way I knew I liked—pressure on the tip, grip bordering on strangulation—but nothing was working. As desperate as I felt, I couldn’t come. I was close, but stuck on that build, as if needing momentum to push me over the hill. There was also an emptiness growing inside me, a restlessness that needed to be sated, and I could no longer stand it. I had no clue what was wrong with me or why I was acting like a bitch in heat, but caring about it took energy, and I had none to spare.
I wriggled farther onto the rock, lifting one leg to rest on the edge. There was no lube and no slick-leaking lizards either, so I had to make do. I spat into my free hand and smeared it over two fingers before easing them past the tight muscle. There was some burning as I stretched to accommodate them—Fiona’s lotion had done wonders—but it was quickly overshadowed by gut-deep pleasure. I didn’t hesitate to chase those sensations, my chest rising and falling rapidly as I keened and sighed, letting my pleasure echo across the spring. For an age, I plunged the digits in as far as they’d go, hooking and tugging, but the angle was awkward, and I couldn’t quite reach where I needed attention most.
Where Vo’ak’s cock and knot would hit without effort.
Groaning in frustration, I pried my legs farther apart, shoving my fingers deeper and moaning louder as they finally grazed my prostate, but a rumble in the distance had me freezing—and my cock dribbling even more. With my heart skipping in both panic and excitement, I blinked my eyes open, expecting to see some peeper from the clan, but it was Vo’ak.
My alien.