Page 50 of You're Not My King!

I bolted in the opposite direction, not expecting to get far, but enjoying the brief adrenaline rush all the same. My heart picked up speed, lungs doing double-time after barely twenty strides. My feet already hurt, mostly from the thin booties I wore, the barrier between my soles and the uneven sand basically paper, but let’s be real, my unfit ass wasn’t built for exercise. Or strenuous activity of any kind, really. Except sex. But I still pushed through, sweat beading on my forehead, thighs burning as I weaved through Ly’zrds and tents, aiming for the forest.

Almost at the tree line, large, familiar hands gripped my waist, spinning me around. I barely had a second to revel in Vo’ak’s wild state or be embarrassed that he’d caught me so quickly before I was being lifted like I weighed nothing and thrown over his shoulder as his prize. I dangled there as he marched toward our tent, his fingers fanned over my ass cheek, keeping me steady. The laughs and cheers of the clan as we passed didn’t even make me blush. In fact, I couldn’t stop the fitful chuckles erupting from my own throat or the way my palms played Vo’ak’s ass like a bongo drum just to egg him on. I felt high.

And horny as fuck.

As soon as we were inside our hut, Vo’ak didn’t even bother lowering the pelt flap, he just set me on my feet and once again manhandled me into position, clearly too far gone to tease or linger. I was bent over the table, the hard, textured wood grazing my sensitive nipples through the thin fabric of my shirt, as my pants were tugged down to my knees and a rough hand pinned me in place. I flinched as a glob of sticky wetness was slapped onto my rim before two slick, clawless fingers sank easily inside, right to the knuckles.

A gasp lodged itself in my throat, my hands whipping out to grip the table’s edge for purchase. Vo’ak gave me no reprieve. His clever fingers found the place inside that made heat kindle low in my stomach and worked it hard. He wouldn’t let up, forcing me to take whatever I was given no matter how loud I whimpered, keened, or sobbed, just rubbing at that spot until my vision started to fizz at the corners. I felt myself clamp around those thick, scaled digits, chasing the sensation of being filled and letting moan after moan tumble from my wide-open mouth.

“My Roo-bin, so supple and greedy,” Vo’ak purred, his smirk audible, and each filthy syllable vibrated right to my toes. “Am I pleasing you how you needed, hm?”

“Fuck—ngh—yesss,” I hissed through clenched teeth, and his answering laugh was borderline criminal.

Between the unrelenting stimulation to my prostate and Vo’ak’s smoky voice in my ear, it wasn’t long before my body was seizing up, a strangled cry tearing from my chest as I came. I collapsed onto the table, legs weak and trembling. Every part of me tingled with pleasure, mind-numbing and raw.

Vo’ak withdrew his fingers, moving his hand to pry my ass cheek aside to keep my now loose and empty hole exposed. I expected him to ram his fat cock inside—prayed for it, even—but slick, wet sounds filled my ears and I managed to twist my head just enough to catch him furiously stroking himself, his knot swelling, fangs bared and tail whipping.

Seconds later, he stiffened and growled, shooting his load over my ass, ropes and ropes of the thick fluid streaming from the star-shaped tip and creating a puddle in the dip of my back. He squeezed the inflated red bulb at the base, giving me every drop before he slumped forward, elbows propped either side of my shoulders. There was a pause, the room silent apart from my heaving breaths and Vo’ak snuffling the hair at my nape.

He shifted his weight, snaking a hand between our bodies to smear his cum into my skin, murmuring a greedy chant of “Mine, mine, mine.”

“Fuck, you better ease up or I’m gonna fall in love with you,” I muttered, chuckling lightly. Vo’ak didn’t respond, just kept bathing me in his scent. Either he was too deep in his trance to have heard me, or he had no clue what I was saying.

Did I even know?

My laugh faltered.


The pre-dawn hunt hailed a plentiful bounty. We felled many rah’bayr and ant’leyupe, meaning the clan would feast well for days ahead. I bestowed the largest kill on my hoo-man asa gesture of endearment, and though still wary of our customs, he seemed appreciative, smiling lazily from his nest of furs as he offered many mouth nudges in thanks.

It warmed my heart to know that he heeded me as his provider, that he praised my adept hunting skills and was showing signs of deference toward his mate. He adamantly refused skinning or preparing the creature as was traditional, his face paling beyond what was healthy at the mere suggestion, but progress was being made.


Once my sleepy mate had been fed by my own hand, I led him out toward the bathing spring, intent on cleaning him before witnessing the forest sprytes dancing to nature’s melody. They were tiny, near invisible creatures who appeared for a brief moment at dawn, frolicking in the new day before disappearing again. It was a charming marvel that I expected he would appreciate, and it also allowed me the chance to indulge in his presence, even for a short period.

“What are we doing?” Roo-bin asked, rubbing at his eyes as I began to undress him. “I doe-nnt think I have the eh-nur-gee to fuck right now.”

I pressed my lips to his forehead, a gesture that comforted him. “Do not fret, little creature, I shall mount you tonight.” His scent deepened. “But, for now, we bathe.” With us both bare, I offered a hand to my mate, guiding him into the spring, the cool water soothing my natural heat. Roo-bin, however, shivered and whined, his hoo-man body not yet adapted to the temperature. I held him to my chest, overwhelmed with fondness when he clung to me, head resting on my sternum, eyes fluttering closed. He was content, tiredness making him pliant, and I aimed not to disturb that peace as I cupped the water in my palm and let it trickle over his skin, washing away scents that were not mine or his own.

Roo-bin let a dazed hum pass his lips when my touch wandered down his back, brushing in light circles as I went. “That feels nice.”

I smiled, leaning down to nuzzle the thick of his mane, inhaling the fresh, unmuddied smell of him. “I am glad.”

“Want me to wash you?” he asked, and though incredibly tempting, I could not accept. This was all for him.

“No. There is a sight I wish to show you.”

The meadow beyond the spring was where the sprytes made merry, so I hoisted my receptive mate into my arms and crossed the pool, lowering him back to his feet by the bank yet refusing to remove myself from his space—not that he displayed any signs of wishing otherwise.

Bonding with my hoo-man was an immense joy. Though I savored his company in my bed, there was something special about spending time with him doing other activities, and this was no exception. Especially when his face lit up in breathtaking wonder, wide eyes fixed on the specks of fire as they came into view, spinning and whirling, buzzing as they passed overhead.

“I… They are beautiful,” he gasped, voice low as if afraid to startle the beasts.

“Yes.” I stared straight at him. “They are.”

Without tearing his awed gaze away as they began their dance of gratitude and worship, he asked, “What are they?”