The receptionist gets up from her chair and fiddles with a ring of keys nervously.

“His assistant, Lemon, is out with him, so here is a key to his office to get in. Unless you have one already?”

“Thank you,” I reply.

Having my smile firmly in place, I don’t answer her question as I take the key and head to his office without another word.

Well, this is a new one. Who knew they named whores after fruits these days? You learn something new every day.

Making my way down the hallway, I unlock his office and quickly shut the door behind me. Finally able to unscrew the smile locked in place.

I have to put this food away to at least make it seem like I was telling the truth. I wonder what Kevin will think when he finds out I came by. I hope Lemon is with him when he finds it.

His office is mostly as I remember, although because of how long it’s been, I don’t fully recall what it looked like back then.

I do notice he got himself a new couch. It’s one of those that can fold out easily. He’s clearly slept here. Perhaps before he bought himself that new apartment.

Looking even further around the room, I spot a cabinet nearby with something peeking out. That has to be where he keeps the bedding.

Sure enough, as I pull the cabinet out, there is a pillow and a pile of blankets. Maybe it’s leftover from before he purchased his apartment, or maybe he still actually sleeps here some nights. At least this part of his story is somewhat true.

I sit down on the couch and slump forward. I knew by coming here I would find something that would confirm the truth of our relationship. It doesn’t matter that I was prepared to see something like this. It’s still hard to wrap my head around actually seeing he’s this set up.

I don’t want to be with him anymore. I know that with every fiber of my being. It’s just hard to process seeing the destruction laid out in front of me.

Shaking my head out of my thoughts, I stand up from the couch.

I have to pull it together to get out of here quickly before someone comes to check on me. I need to look everywhere while I have one last opportunity before I’m cut out of his life. I don’t want to leave any stone unturned when a battle is surely coming my way.

I’m hoping this office visit will shed some light on what he was doing with the unaccounted-for money or anything about his relationship with his assistant, Lemon, that I don’t already know.


When did twenty-eight become so old? Or at least feel old.

Oh, that’s right. When your husband starts fucking a new graduate who is barely twenty-one.

This society is terrible. I’m nowhere near the age to even joke about trading me in for a younger model. Yet here I am, being traded in for someone seven years younger because I refused to give him children when our marriage was already in the process of dissolving.

I head to his desk next. His computer or drawers have to give me something more useful than what I’ve found so far.

Sitting down in his office chair, I’m shocked at what I’m looking at.

It’s a photo from our wedding day. My smile doesn’t reach my eyes as I look at a memory of our past. That day was a bad omen unto itself. It rained. My dress ripped before walking down the aisle. I got a zit. Okay, but really, I never get zits.

I was so isolated that I didn’t have friends to stand up at the altar with me as my bridesmaids. It was a simple affair with only one hundred of Kevin’s closest friends and family, plus Fisher, in attendance. I was lucky to have him there. He’s still young, only in his late thirties, yet he walked me down the aisle like I was his daughter.

I shuffle around the papers on Kevin’s desk trying my hardest not to move them too out of place. I’m coming up short looking at this paperwork.

I’ve got to look at his file folders next.

Nothing of interest here either. Which does make sense since it's the modern age, and most people under the age of sixty probably don’t even own a printer.

I hope I can log into his computer. I figured out Kevin’s password from his laptop at home by accident. He didn’t give it to me, but one day, I saw him typing it in, and I locked that knowledge away for a rainy day.

Today is that rainy day.

Typing in what I pray is his password on this computer too.