“How bad?”

“Honestly? Bad. Kevin is up to no good across it all. This company you had me look into is a shell corporation. Without a forensic finance team looking into it further, I only have assumptions. We can go down this path, but that’s what I need your permission for today. And that’s just us getting started. Nothing adds up with anything we’ve looked into.”

“What’s he doing? Why is my name on those records?”

“A shell corporation is essentially a cover for him doing crooked business. There’s a lot to it, but that’s the bottom line. He planned to use you as the scapegoat if anything were to be found out or someone had to get caught.”

“Fuck,” I whisper out, leaning back into my chair.

“Indeed. But the good news is that we have an advantage here. We can stop him.”

“What about the Church? How is the Church involved?”

“My guess?”

“Yeah,” I reply.

“Right now, it looks like one of two options. Either someone found out and is blackmailing him, or he’s using the Church as part of his defrauding scheme. Either option means jail time for Kevin and probably other parties involved. This Father Greg character you’ve shared details on is most likely the connection to the Church. I don’t know that for sure, but that’s what it’s all looking like to me at this point.”

I let this news soak in for a few minutes.

Kevin used me. He knowingly used me as a pawn in his scheme to steal money. I don’t need to know the ins and outs of it. Fuck him for doing this to me. I hope karma comes back around.

“Noah, do whatever you have to do to find out what’s going on and get my involvement wiped clear. I don’t want to go to jail for whatever he’s up to.”

“Avery, you aren’t going to jail. That’s why you have me and my team. I need you to continue to trust me.”

“Just get it done and let me know anything important.”

Noah nods in response, looking thoughtfully at me.

“Thank you,” I say before turning to leave his office.


I spin back around to Noah.


He takes a moment before speaking again.

“Don’t let this change you. We’re going to get him for this. He’s just a bad seed; there is nothing you could have done to stop this from happening. You simply trusted your spouse.”

“You’re right, but look where that’s gotten me.”

I weakly smile before leaving Noah’s office.

I know what he means, but it still stings a little to realize that I really held such little value to Kevin. Every day, I discover a new reason why leaving him is the best thing I’ll ever do for myself. It’s just a lesson I wish I learned sooner than I did.

On the walk back to my apartment, I decide that I’m going to explore more career options when I get home, now that I’m focused on the future. I can’t let my ongoing battle with Kevin interfere with me making any more plans. Ones that will only help me grow into the new woman I want to be.

Since living in my new apartment, I’ve realized that I still love residing downtown. It’s a trendier area that’s filled with a mix of ages and demographics in the buildings nearby, but it’s more me.

After Lachlan leaves the Church, I’ll stop attending St. Peter’s, and that part of my life will practically be over. In Charleston, where you live really determines who your friends are. It’s difficult to maintain friendships with people who live in different areas or have different lifestyles. It’s especially hard when you try to maintain friendships with those across one of the bridges. Each section of Charleston feels like its own world, and it’s difficult to leave.

The area that my apartment is in is considered upper King Street. More of a partying area, but my luxury building is tucked away on a side street. Most of the residents are successful professionals, young and old. I don’t know if I want children or not, but if the time ever comes, I’ll decide if moving is the right decision. For now, I’ll enjoy every minute of being where I am.

Lachlan and I will have to discuss his future living arrangements too. I want him to move in with me regardless of the optics. Once he’s no longer a priest, I could care less about what people say about us being together. Even though I know how he feels about me, we haven’t had many conversations about our future together.