“Fuck,” I groan.

“The most important person you have to forgive about this whole fucking fucked up situation is you. You’ve got to forgive yourself for that night, but you have to stop trying to protect everyone else at the cost of your fucking sanity, my man.”

“I know. You’re right. I’ll work on it before talking with Avery.”

I start to pull out cash before heading out. As I get up and go to say goodbye to Grayson, he catches my arm.

“Lachlan, I love you, brother, but don’t take too long before telling her. She deserves to know the truth of your past and present.”

I nod.

It’s not fucking good that I haven’t told Avery yet, I know that.

That night still haunts me, but she deserves to know my truth. What happened the night that set me off on the path of becoming a priest.

Fucking hell.

It’s Tuesday morning, and I’m the first person in the parish office today. It’s earlier than usual for me. I tossed and turned all night thinking about Grayson and my conversation. I can’t fuck this up with Avery. How can I just get over the past when it’s brought me down this path toward redemption?

I spoke with Avery briefly last night. She was meeting with her attorney today to go over new updates on her divorce from Kevin. That prick, I can only imagine what kind of news she’ll find out. I can’t worry about that right now as I type up my official resignation letter to give to Greg. I don’t think he cares about me any more than a traditional colleague would, but I know my resignation is going to come as a major shock.

I really found my place at St. Peter’s. It’s only been a few months, but the church staff and parishioners have come to accept me and my duties here. Now that we’re all finally in a good place, I’m about to rip the rug right out from under everyone.

I would wait, but I’m not one to fucking linger. I don’t want what’s happening between Avery and me to become a scandal. Right now, we’ve been lucky that no one has caught us. It’s a small town for the locals, so luck has definitely been on our side.

Early in the morning, I print out my resignation letter and head to Greg’s office.

I lean against his open doorframe and give the door a few gentle knocks so I don’t startle the old man this early. His head perks up, and his shoulders clearly relax when he realizes it’s me and not someone else.

Now that I know something bigger is happening behind the scenes with Kevin, I can’t help but wonder if that was in reaction to it not being him or Missy or someone else close to whatever disaster is really happening.

The expansion campaign seemed like a simple enough concept, especially with a title like that, but that’s it. It’s too fucking straightforward to be causing this much ruckus and getting this much attention—it has to be a ruse of some kind.

“Lachlan, come in, to what do I owe this pleasure?”

Greg’s closing up file folders on his desk. I come up and take a seat in front of him.

“Well, Greg, there is no easy way to say this without being as blunt as possible. I’ve enjoyed every minute of my time here at St. Peter’s, but I’m resigning.”

I slide my resignation letter in front of him. So much for not startling the old man this early; he is stunned.

“I know this is a big surprise, and I’ve only been here for a few months. I fully intend to finish my remaining duties here at the parish—priestly and regarding the gala this weekend.”

“Lachlan, why?”

He’s too alarmed to say anything more complex. I was expecting this, but it doesn’t make it any easier to explain, even to someone I barely tolerate.

I have two options here. I can go with the semi-truth, or I can lie. I plan to stay in Charleston with Avery, so eventually, that cat will be out of the bag, but Greg isn’t worthy of any of the confessions I’ve been passing out like candy these days.

“Truthfully, I’ve been doing a lot of soul-searching. My final days at my parish in Boston and since coming here. I love my relationship with God, but with much reflection and conferring with my mentor in Boston, I’ve decided to end my service as a priest and worship God as a regular member of society.”

“You’re leaving the Church?”

“Just as a priest.”

He doesn’t understand. Most priests wouldn’t leave unless there were a scandal. I don’t technically have one of those, but that’s what I’m trying to prevent. Not for myself but for Avery. I know she’ll already have a lot to deal with from her peers as she continues to navigate this life without being on Kevin’s arm.

“I understand this is a shock but when it’s this severe of a change, I felt in my heart I had to tell you immediately. I’m sorry.”