“So, what’s going on with you these days? I don’t hear from you in weeks, and now you look…” Grayson trails off as he studies me.


It’s almost like he hasn’t thought to associate me with that word. I wouldn’t have either three months ago.

“Yeah, you look fucking happy as shit, man. What’s going on?”

He’s getting serious now, and I know I have to tell him.

“Some big changes. Fuck this is hard. But some big fucking changes.”

Grayson waits for me to continue. Even though I’ve already had this conversation with Ma and Patrick, having it with Grayson is still tough as shit.

“I met someone.”

Grayson’s eyes go wide before catching his reaction. Fuck, I get it, I do.

“Yeah, exactly,” I comment before gulping down the rest of my whiskey.

I flag down the bartender to get another. Grayson studies me again, but this time more intensely. We wait a few beats. He finishes his beer and signals for another one.

His body’s completely turned toward me now.

“Care to elaborate?”

Grayson is now full-fledged fucking grinning at me. I can’t help but let out a laugh in relief.

“Yeah, man. Her name is Avery. I think…” I trail off. I’ve wanted to tell her I love her, but it hasn’t felt like the right moment with the hurdles we’ve had to face in these few short months.

“I know, I fucking love her. She’s the one.”

“Love looks good on you, man.”

“I’m resigning. Tomorrow.”

“It’s about fucking time.”

Over the next hour, I tell Grayson about Avery and our time together. I don’t dive into our sexual history. I may have been a manwhore in my younger years, but I don’t fucking kiss and tell. Grayson isn’t the type to care about details anyway. Although, I bet hearing about how I bent her over my altar and fucked her pussy with a cross would catch his attention.

“Wow, this is good news, man. Really, I’m happy for you. But I have to ask. Does she know?”


Grayson nods his head in understanding.

“I’m telling her. I plan to tell her and fucking hope to God that she doesn’t leave me.”


“Don’t, Grayson. I don’t want to hear it.”

“Well, too fucking bad. I’m not going to let you fuck all of this up. You deserve peace, Lachlan, and Avery gives you that. Before you tell her your fucked up version of events, you have got to come to terms with the lie. The lie that is eating you fucking up inside and that you’ve somehow twisted into the truth,” he breathes out.

He's not going to stop.

“What happened that night was fucked up and tragic. Fucking tragic as hell. But you took the rap to protect them both. You can’t own her lies and your truth anymore. I think there’s someone else you need to tell the truth to eventually too. But please, for fucks sake, stop killing yourself slowly. You know the truth. It’s time to believe the version of events that actually happened.”

I hang my head low before scrubbing a hand down my face.