“I know.”

“Lachlan, are you sure this is the right decision for you? What if it doesn’t work out with this girl?”

“It’s not about her in that way. Yes, I think she is the one, but it’s more than that. She’s shown me that it’s okay to grieve, embrace the good and the bad… to find happiness,” I start to ramble before pausing.

Ma’s eyes glisten with tears again.

“That’s all I’ve ever wanted for you. Happiness. It’s a big decision, but you’ve always had your wits about you. I hope the next time you come to visit me, you’ll bring the girl with you.”

“I’m hoping that as well.”

She smiles happily.

“Alright, now don’t you think you’re getting away with not telling me all about this lovely young lady who stole my boy’s heart,” she teases.

“Of course not,” I laugh.

“Alright now, go on, tell me everything.”

“Where do I even start? She’s an angel sent to me from God,” I say.

I stayed the next two nights with her in my childhood home. Telling her about my life, Avery, everything. She listens and shares stories of her time as well. I’m beginning to feel free with every step I take on this newly forged path.

My time away made me realize my truth. Not everything is good or evil, right or wrong, black or white. Sometimes, the best decisions are the ones that start in the shadows.

I’m getting my girl.

I was planning on giving her until Sunday when I knew I would see her again. Here she is, though, my sad angel with broken wings. I’m ready to teach her who she belongs to.

I am in love with Avery Parker.

She isn’t allowed to run or be scared by our truth.

My Goldie girl is going to see the right path for her is to take the final leap with me.

Chapter 19

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world give do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.

John 14:27

He’s here.

My savior has come to claim me. I don’t know how he found me, but I’m glad he did.

I am going to be with Lachlan no matter what, as long as he’ll still have me. No matter how right or wrong it is that I fell in love with him, my priest. That’s what it comes down to, doesn’t it?

I am in love with Lachlan O’Connell.

I shouldn’t have been as distant as I was this week. He was doing the right thing by not reaching out to me. Still, I should have at least given him the reassurance that we were okay and that I simply needed more time. He somehow knew what I needed even when I didn’t.

I now know another one of my truths. I will not feel shame or guilt for the feelings I have for Lachlan. What we have is real. It is not, in fact, bad timing with the right person. We can work through this as long as we’re together. I have a lot to repent for with him.

Lachlan slides in beside me.

I can’t face him yet. Not with this range of emotions taking over me. Happiness for what’s possible, sadness for time lost, and relief that he’s really here.

“Hi, my Goldie girl.”