“No, there’s nothing with him anymore. As of this weekend, I’ll be on my own.”

“Then Saturday,” I finish.

My smile gets bigger at that.

She smiles, too, and now I can’t help but let my wide smile take over my face completely.

I sleep peacefully for the first time tonight in ages.

The next day, I come into the parish office to find everyone frantically moving about. It is way too fucking early for this kind of commotion.

“What happened?” I ask Patricia as I sip my coffee.

“It’s Greg,” she sighs loudly.

Great, let’s see what this is about.

“Missy is working with him on the expansion campaign efforts, and she’s given even more last-minute revisions. Nothing for you to be worried about with the gala coming up.”

I roll my eyes.

“Of course, she isn’t happy. What’s he doing about it?”

“He’s in his office now reworking to accommodate her complaints. He actually asked for me to send you to him as soon as you arrived this morning to get an update on the gala.”

She’s shuffling papers quickly around her, clearly looking for something.

I head for my office. I need to finish this coffee before I talk to anyone else.

A little later, I finally make my way to Greg’s office. I have no idea what is happening with the expansion campaign since my focus has been on the gala taking place soon.

His door is open, so I lean against the frame and give a slight knock to let him know I’m there.

“Greg. I heard you wanted to see me?”

He looks up, relieved that I’m here.

“Lachlan, yes. One second,” he answers before pushing his glasses further up his nose as he examines a paper. After making a note he turns his attention to me fully.

“Please have a seat,” he says curtly.


I have a feeling I’m not going to like this.

Honestly, if he has complaints about the gala, he can go fuck right off. With all the money we have at the church—coming in outside of any new expansion campaign plans—we should have hired event planners. It’s bullshit giving the responsibility to the new priest.

This is the Catholic way, though, not loosening our purse strings any more than necessary.

I take a seat in one of the chairs facing opposite him.

“I’ve heard from Patricia and some of the other staff that the gala plans have been finalized with the exception of a few minor details. Are you pleased with where it’s at?”

“Yes, we are in an excellent spot for it coming up in the next couple of weeks. Mrs. Matheson has been an integral part of the planning process.”

He examines me for a few moments. Indecision is on his face.

This should be interesting.