I decided to save the video to my personal cloud storage until I figured out what to do about this new predicament I’m in.

Instead of breaking down or going into a fit of rage after seeing that footage earlier this morning, I did what any good trophy wife would do. I went to church.

I am now sitting in the early morning mass of our neighborhood Catholic church. I don’t believe in Catholicism, but this is the place where our group networks. Kevin was raised Catholic, so I went along with it all. Like I always did.

I have appearances to keep up as I make my plan to leave him. I’m not going to let Kevin continue to treat me this way. Staying isn’t an option for me.

Creating an exit plan is what I really should be thinking of right now instead of reliving that video. The past won’t get me anywhere. I should know that better than most people. I was a foolish, naïve girl when I met Kevin, but I refuse to be that person any longer.

I’m married to a demeaning asshole who doesn’t care about me. It’s fine. I’m going to be fine. I just need to be smart and focus on getting out by making a game plan.

I need to become a new woman. A woman who can walk away from her cheating husband and get out unscathed.

I have to file for divorce as soon as I can. South Carolina has a law that a couple has to be legally separated for one year before divorcing. That is outside of when one person in the marriage has a video of the other inside someone else who isn’t in said marriage available for viewing pleasure. I’m assuming that falls into the at-fault adultery category to please the courts.

The loud banging of the hassocks, or cushioned ottoman to kneel on, being put down breaks me of my thought process. Being lost in thought, I hadn’t remembered I needed to kneel when I got back to my seat after receiving communion.

For not believing in religion, I was usually the best parishioner in attendance.

After marrying Kevin, converting was a priority of his for me. I went right along with that as well, even though he knew what my feelings were about it.

Hello, next waving red flag! I see you, but I think I’ll ignore you too.

I shake my head to try and focus, leaning forward now to let my hassock down. I’m sitting in a pew alone, which is a rarity.

It’s almost that time of year when the church will become full again as the new school year starts back up and more parishioners are done with summer vacations.

Finally kneeling down, with my hands clasped together resting on the back of the pew in front of me, I look the part of an active churchgoer praying dutifully.

That’s when a tingling feeling washes over me, starting from my neck down to my spine. I’m naturally shivering.

I can feel someone staring at me.

As I glance around the room, I can’t see anyone I know or even strangers looking my way.

It’s just me. It’s just the day.

I try to shake this feeling off but can’t.

I can’t afford to be like this. I don’t have time to lose my mind.

I can still feel it, though. The sensation that I’m being watched.

I look around the church once more, just to be sure I am, in fact, going crazy now on top of everything else I’ve had to face today.

That’s when I spot him.

The most attractive man I have ever seen is staring at me from the front right corner of the church. He’s leaning against a wall with his arms crossed over one another in the shadows. His eyes are looking into my being.

I shiver again as the feeling of being watched washes over me.

The mystery man is dressed in all black, which is strange for South Carolina, where bright colors and pastels are a trademark look for men and women alike.

He appears very tall and well-built from what I can make out. I can see his muscles contracting against his tightly fitted shirt, even from where I’m seated. They’re mouth-watering to look at even from a distance. I long to see them up close.

How tall is this stranger? From here, it looks like he’s over six feet. Tall enough that his body would intertwine nicely with my figure.

I really need to get divorced soon, so I can finally have good sex. I’m eye fucking random men in church. This cannot be good. If I believed in God, surely this would end up on the list of reasons why he wouldn’t let me through the pearly gates.