I should have known that by not giving him what he wants when he wants it, I’d be creating the catalyst for our marriage to dissolve, not to improve.

He wants children, or rather sons. At least, that’s what he talks about whenever he mentions children. What he really wants are heirs to his business and fortune. A son to take over in thirty years and continue to make him millions as he sails around the world.

Every time he talks about children, he refers to them as sons. I’m not sure if Kevin realizes that it’s a toss-up that even he can’t control the natural way, but it’s never been worth the argument.

I stopped speaking up when we got married. I usually give him his way. Trying to avoid disagreements to keep him as indifferent toward me as possible.

Bringing a child into the world is one issue I just couldn’t bend on. And now here we are. I am twenty-eight years old and just watched my husband cheat on me.

I lost myself by being lost in him. I turned myself into his shiny trophy wife. My long blonde hair is always put together. There’s never a wrinkle in my clothes. I spray tan weekly. I do, in fact, get waxed everywhere. Yes, everywhere.

I became the Mrs. Matheson that everyone expected me to be, that Kevin expected of his wife. Long gone was the carefree Avery Parker, who dreamed of adventure, love, and a family to call her own.

I did this to myself. Longing to be in his orbit and now look what’s happened to me. Young, miserable, childless, and a cheating husband.

All the makings of a great country song. Unfortunately, this is my life.

What I really didn’t see coming was that my husband was stupid enough to cheat on me in our own home. The same home he rarely shows up to see his lawfully wedded wife in. And because he is almost never at said home anymore, he forgot to check whether the security cameras were working.

That’s right—he didn’t check if the cameras were on or off.

For weeks, the main back courtyard camera has been glitching, so I turned it off. As the stereotypical man of the house, he wanted to take care of the security issues instead of me delegating it to our house manager to resolve quickly. I didn’t get it. Really, we have all this money, and he wanted to do it himself?

He was barely home enough to sleep; fixing cameras should not have been something on his to-do list. Once again, it wasn’t worth the argument, and I said he could handle it.

I waited for him to fix it, and he kept saying he would get to it. Of course, he didn’t because the house isn’t a priority for him. My concerns are not a priority for him.

After two weeks of being worried for safety reasons, I went to our house manager and asked her to get it fixed. Since she’s good at her job, she handled the matter.

She just so happened to do it the day before Kevin brought his new assistant to our home and had sex with her in the covered courtyard on my brand-new rug. I loved that rug, and now it’s ruined.

Her fake moans were caught on the camera, as was the look of boredom. Yes, Kevin is attractive, but clearly, miss twenty-one-year-old assistant is here for the money. To try and become wife number two, perhaps.

She can have him.

I always have to get myself off with my vibrator after we finish having sex. He isn’t exactly a giving lover, so I can resonate with the blank stares I was seeing on her face.

Poor girl.

But once again, I was naïve in my youth and had a terrible fantasy of living the fairytale. I accepted that sex was going to be like that, and it didn’t matter, not when I’d found true love.

My parents passed away when I was eighteen, and I don’t have any siblings. I’ve been on my own since college.

I longed for a family. A place to call home. It just never felt exactly right with him. When Kevin began asking me to start trying to conceive a child, I knew it would be the wrong decision to say yes.

Another red flag I blissfully tried to sweep under the metaphorical rug.

Thankfully, we had a pretty straightforward prenuptial agreement. What was mine before the marriage would remain that way and vice versa. I remember sitting in his lawyer’s office when we were drawing up the papers, and he tried to reassure me getting a prenup was all technicalities.

“Avery, I would never cheat on you. You are the most beautiful woman in the world. This is what people like us do. I love you, sweetheart.”

Maybe I’m not smart when it comes to men because growing up, I never imagined I would be planning my marriage to someone while also getting a legal document drawn up outlining the dissolution of it.

I want an everlasting love. The kind of love that rocks your entire world. Once you had it, you wouldn’t take it for granted. Because it would be all-consuming and make you a better version of yourself. I wanted the fairytale, but now I’m beginning to think everyone is just living in their personal horror movie behind closed doors.

Kevin is an arrogant man who thinks real-world consequences don’t apply to him. Why else would he assume he wouldn’t get caught when he tossed me aside and started sleeping with his assistant?

So now, here we are. I just watched him, pants down, inside the new assistant on my new rug while our new camera captured everything.