Avery giggles in response before finishing her first drink.

“She’s just so funny,” she says.

“If I didn’t know that she worked for a church, I swear I would assume she was going to murder me some days,” I tease.

“Patricia definitely has a cool past I would love for her to finally tell us,” Avery confirms.

We let a comfortable silence take over for a few moments.

The bartender slides Avery’s new drink over toward us. Avery takes a small sip of it.

“How long have you been a priest?”

Okay, I can get behind this. We are about to attempt small talk without the gala as our buffer.

“About seven years. I joined the priesthood in my late twenties,” I answer.

“That’s not long. What made you want to devote your life in this way?” she asks before sipping her drink.

I debate the answer to share with her, knowing I need to tread lightly. It’s the most complicated question I could be asked.

“Life sometimes has an interesting way of refocusing you. I needed a new path, and this is the one God gave me.”

She looks at me like that answer isn’t enough. I knew it wouldn’t be, but she won’t press the issue. As much time as we spend together, we’ve been in our own bubble without the distraction of our real personal lives.

“That’s really great. And what brought you to Charleston?”

I can’t help but smile at her attempting more small talk, but I’ll take it. On my walk over here, I was nervous I had done the wrong thing by inviting her out for a drink.

“Another new path from God,” I respond as I swirl my whiskey around.

“God… right,” she says with a nod before giving me a shy smile.

“You don’t believe in God giving you a new path when you need it?”

I can’t help but ask as I tilt my head to the side, genuinely intrigued.

This is interesting. I wouldn’t have expected her to have doubts like I do, but I guarantee it would catch her more off guard if she learned the truth about me.

I run my hand through my hair. She follows it automatically.

With everything going on in her life, I would have assumed that’s what she would be thinking about her situation.

“I shouldn’t be discussing this with you,” she answers with a light laugh.

“Avery, out of everyone, you should be discussing this with me. Not because I’m a priest but because I can relate to needing guidance.”

My sad, broken angel is back in place of the bright light I have come to savor in my presence. I’ll take either version, but I hate it when I can’t help her find the light.

I can tell the second she decides not to give me her truth on this. I won’t press her like she didn’t do to me earlier.

“Why were you staring at me in church that first day?” she blurts out.

I can’t help but grin, not expecting such an abrupt topic change. One that there is no way she meant to say out loud. Isn’t it obvious after all this time together? Avery needs me to give her this small confession.

“I may be devoted to God, but I’m still a man.”

A light, rosy blush takes over her face.