Lachlan comes up beside me and entangles his hand in mine. Walking me over to the couch, he gestures for me to be seated and then takes a seat next to me.

Looking at Lachlan will never get old. The way he looks in this hunter-green sweater makes my skin flush, just thinking of what I want to be doing to him right now.

I see fire dancing in his eyes as they smolder.

“Avery, baby, let’s save that for later?”

“Are you sure…” I start to tease my fingers along the outside of his jeans.

He stops my hand in place with a grin.

“Okay, fine.” I pout. “I do have this chili on the stove; otherwise, you’d be mine, Lachlan,” I laugh as I playfully swat his chest.

He winks in response.

“Every day with you is the best day of my life. You brought me back to life. A life I didn’t know I could dream or hope for.”

“You saved me too, Lachlan. That’s why we’re perfect together.”

“We are, aren’t we?”

Lachlan slowly rises before taking a knee in front of me. A black velvet box appears in his hand. He slowly opens it, revealing a two-carat, emerald-cut diamond.

“Lachlan.” I gasp, bringing my hands to my cheeks. I can’t contain my smile.

This ring is me. My dream ring. We had talked about getting married one day, but I never thought it would come this soon.

“Avery, I promise to love you every day in this lifetime and any that come after. I will always find you, love you, protect you, and cherish every moment I can get with you.”

Tears begin to prick my eyes. I love this man with every fiber of my being.

“Will you make me the happiest man on the planet…”

“Yes!” I’m nodding yes uncontrollably.

Pushing myself closer to him, I wrap my arms around his waist. I place a kiss on his soft lips before resting my head against his shoulder. This is the happiest moment of my life. I can feel his grin spread wider against my cheek.

“Goldie girl, I’ve got to ask you first.” He chuckles.

I pull back and wipe the tears away from my cheeks. Lachlan takes my hand in his and places a gentle kiss on my forehead before pulling back to face me again.

Letting go of my hands, he pulls out the ring from the velvet box and slowly slides it down my ring finger.

“Avery Jayne Parker, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”


Those who sow in tears will reap with cries of joy.

Psalm 126:5

Boston weather during the holiday season is never favorable to the crisp weather of Charleston. But this year would be our last one coming to visit my ma for the holiday.

I look down at my adoring wife, Avery, who is nestled in tightly by my side, her hand caressing her belly. She’s five months pregnant with our first child.

Avery and I decided to wait to try to conceive after we got married, to enjoy our time together as a couple. It was the right decision for us.

Now that we’ll have our first child coming into the world, we want every holiday to be spent in our home in Charleston.