Members of the church were rocked by the scandals that unfolded. But honestly, I doubt many were all that surprised about the root of the issue.


It’s what I first noticed when I came here. Just because this scandal unfolded here doesn’t mean something like this won’t ever happen again in these affluent communities. Everything is for show; it’s no wonder it reached this point. Everyone wants more.

For the time being, Avery and I will remain in Charleston. But I sure as fuck don’t see how we can stay here forever. Who knows, I could be wrong. I’ll follow Avery anywhere she wants to go as long as I get to be by her side.

I walk through the house one last time and turn off any remaining lights before heading for the front door. With a final glance, this is it.

I squint as the fall sun still bakes against my skin. It’s getting cooler, but the sun still shines brightly in Charleston.

I make my way down the path to the parish office to pack up what little personal items I have. This will be a quick process to knock out and say a final goodbye to the few people I like.

I’m surprised Nick is even allowing me inside the parish.

News crews have been stationed outside for the past few days. A new story must be breaking because as I reach the glass doors, I don’t see anyone out here. A lucky break in my day. I know people want to hear Avery’s story, but it’s not theirs to know.

Stepping inside the parish offices, I notice it’s quiet. I used to love these days here. Being one of the only souls inside the building. Patricia isn’t at her desk to greet me, so I head straight for my office.

As I expected, gathering up my final items takes no time at all. This is it—my last goodbye and tie to being a priest.

Taking my one small box of goods in my hand, I head to leave for the last time. I won’t be coming back here.

My faith has been restored, but my relationship with Catholicism needs a new type of foundation. I will forever believe that the Church saved me that fateful day, but it’s time to build on something with my faith that isn’t based on lies.

“Lachlan,” someone calls out to me.

I look up to find Patricia waiting for me outside by her desk.

“You take care of that girl, or you’ll have a sea of trouble,” she says, pretending to be threatening.

“Wouldn’t dream of anything else.”

“Take care of yourself too.”

“You too, Patricia. Thank you.”

Chapter 32

Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God.

Matthew 5:8

Life feels different now. It’s been several weeks since the night of the gala. Charleston has mostly recovered after the scandal broke loose. Which one? I suppose I should say scandals.

Kevin is sitting in prison, awaiting his trial. A date has been set for the new year. Noah informed me I would need to testify. He’s working out the details.

Part of me wonders how scared I should be for my safety, but Noah told me that, for now, I can live the life I have been fighting for. The life of someone who enjoys laughing and trying every recipe in a cookbook for fun instead of to one-up my peers.

The holiday season is a secret gem of Charleston. The lights downtown are magical. Wandering the streets and looking at all the twinkling lights feels more relaxing now.

Lachlan and I agreed that we both would take this season to just enjoy each other’s company. Because of our savings, we are fortunate enough to be able to wait until the New Year to ramp up our new endeavors.

Outside of weekly check-ins from Noah, my past has almost completely disappeared. Since I was never close with anyone at the church, I don’t see anyone who really knows about Lachlan and my beginning.

Some peers outside of the church knew, but things died down when the next major piece of gossip landed. I’m sure I will always get some second glances or long stares, but it doesn’t bother me.

I did meet with Elaine’s sister, Emily, one day after the gala. I needed to know as much as I could to determine who I could face, trust, or even believe.