A loud bang of metal crashing into metal rings out. He’s crashed the SUV into a nearby dumpster. Glass goes flying into the air as airbags are deployed, and a crunch takes over the night.
Police are aiming guns at me, Kevin, and Avery.
Kevin has started to gain consciousness and sits up. I see when he realizes he has guns being pointed at him.
“I’m Father Lachlan; this woman has a restraining order against this man, her husband. He did this,” I manage to get out.
Two medics come over to us and help me with Avery. They try to pull her from my arms, but I can’t let go.
“Sir, we need to get her out of here,” one of them says.
I nod, realizing it’s true. The medic places her on a gurney.
An officer puts Kevin in handcuffs while this is happening.
“Fuck you,” he shouts at me.
“You think I’m bad?” he’s talking to no one in particular as he screams in frustration.
“That priest is fucking my wife,” he scoffs.
“So fucking pure and godlike, my ass,” Kevin continues.
We have a small crowd of gala guests gathered around us. Close enough to hear his statement.
The police have put up a small barrier trying to block the alley from where we are, but it doesn’t prevent the truth from remaining a secret any longer.
“See? He’s not even denying it! Fuck you, man, fuck you!” Kevin seethes as the officer finishes reading him his Miranda rights.
Kevin tries to launch for me, but the officer holds him back.
He’s being escorted to the back of a waiting police car. In the distance, police have surrounded the SUV. Greg and Missy are both being put into handcuffs near the vehicle, while Frank is being escorted back toward me in handcuffs by a different police officer.
I hop into the ambulance with Avery.
“I’m her boyfriend,” I inform them.
One of the medics appears shocked but quickly recomposes herself.
“I’m going too,” I say just so they don’t dare try to tell me I can’t.
Avery is breathing with an oxygen mask. She’s alive. My Goldie girl has survived so much, but she’s still here with me.
Thank fucking Christ.
Chapter 31
For whatever was written previously was written for our instruction, that by endurance and by the encouragement of the scriptures we might have hope.
Romans 15:4
The length of time I had to wait in the hospital lobby to hear from Avery’s doctors was excruciating. It was painful to know that she was lying there helpless, and there was nothing I could do to help.
I pace the lengths of the halls. Removing my bowtie first, then hours later my jacket, and finally here I am now, sitting with a stale cup of coffee, sleeves rolled up my forearms, praying for a final miracle.
I know God is probably done granting me miracles, but if there’s the possibility for just one more, I want it for my Avery. She has been through so much in her short twenty-eight years. Avery deserves the world. I just hope I’ll get the news I’m waiting for to give her just that.
After some time here, her doctor did find me to tell me she wasn’t going to die. Of course, he had better bedside manners than that, but that’s the fucking gist of it.