I pause before bracing to tell her this truth.

“Sorry, this is only the second time I’ve ever told this to anyone.”

“Grayson knows?”

“Yeah… he thinks I need to tell everyone the truth.”

I lean down against the back of the couch and take her hands in mine once more.

“That night, Jenny and I were at some colleague of mine’s party. He threw these massive parties all the time. It was getting really fucking late, and I had to be up early for a client meeting. I was fucked up, though, so I went into a room to lie down. I knew I had to get home so I could sober up before that meeting, but I just needed a few minutes to pull myself together. The cocaine that night must have been laced with something because I hadn’t taken as much as I normally would have because of that client call.”

I stand upright again, dropping Avery’s hands.

“Jenny came into the room and seemed wildly out of control. She laid down next to me on the bed and started rubbing my leg before stroking the outside of my cock through my pants. I let it happen for maybe a minute or two, fuck, maybe longer, before realizing it wasn’t fucking right. Even fucked up, I knew it wasn’t right.”

I take a deep breath before continuing, needing to finish.

“I pulled Jenny’s hand away, and she lunged for me. I was so startled by what she was doing, I froze. That’s when I realized she was straddling me. I was about to push her off when she pinned my arms down and rammed her tongue in my mouth.”

“Fuck,” I hear Avery whisper.

“I pushed her off and told her she was fucked up. She began crying uncontrollably. I told her it was going to be okay. This was just a mistake; she must have been more fucked up than usual because of whatever drugs she took at the party. I told her I wouldn’t even tell Liam. Anything to get her under control and to stop sobbing. I offered to call her a ride and get her home. She refused.”

Avery’s silent as I keep sharing my story.

“She ran out the front door and fucking sprinted down the building stairs. Flights of fucking stairs, it was insanity. I followed behind her, trying to keep up. I found her sitting in her car with the doors locked and the engine on.”

“Lachlan…” Avery chokes back a whimper.

“I begged her not to drive. I fucking begged her, Avery.”

“I believe you.”

Fuck, now it’s me trying to hold back tears from this memory.

“And you know what she did?”

“What?” Avery whispers.

“She started to run me down,” I say in disbelief.

I pause before continuing.

“I was in front of her car, and she nearly ran me over. I had to jump to the side. When I did, I tried to cling to the open window and begged for her to just stop. That’s when she gunned it out of there, and I fell to the ground. I had a few banged-up parts, but I was fine overall.”

“Oh my God, Lachlan,” Avery barely gets out.

“Not knowing what to do, I started to chase after her on foot. I didn’t have to run far when I saw her car. It was fucking smashed into someone else’s. It looked so fucking crushed.”

I feel the tears streaming down my cheeks. The same feeling of despair that I felt sitting on those church steps all those years ago is haunting me now.

“Lachlan, you can stop if you need to,” Avery whispers.

I wipe my tears before leaning forward to run a finger across one of Avery’s.

“I made it to her right before the ambulance and police arrived. I didn’t fucking wait. I pulled her body out of the car before it went up in flames.”

I hang my head low in shame before standing up straight again. I circle the couch that Avery’s sitting on and come to sit by her side.