“Explain what exactly? How I saw you fucking Lemon in our courtyard? How are you going to explain that one away?”

I cross my arms over my chest and don’t return any sign of humor or smile.

“Avery, don’t do this to us.”

“Us? You haven’t even tried to reach out to me in what, a month? Months? You are here buying Lemon clothes, don’t pretend to give a rat’s ass about me now that I’m in front of you.”

“I have tried to call you multiple times. Did you block my numbers? Lemon isn’t you. After you left that note and the way I handled seeing you that day in church, I just couldn’t bring myself to face you again so soon. And Missy. Fuck that day with Missy, it went all wrong. I miss you, Avery. I’m sorry about Lemon.”

“No, you aren’t,” I laugh.

“I don’t believe that you’ve tried to reach out. I mean, come on, you’re with Lemon right now,” I finish.

Kevin takes a frustrated breath before recomposing himself.

“Avery, sweetheart, let’s talk. You and me. I can book that little candlelit table in our favorite Italian restaurant. Please give me a chance to talk with you.”

I can’t let him get the better of me.

“Kevin, I’m only going to say this once. Don’t call me as you claim you have. Don’t try to have friends reach me. I won’t be forgiving you. We are getting divorced. You cannot have your cake and eat it too. Go be with Lemon or whoever the fuck else. I don’t care. Leave me alone, or else I’ll tell my lawyer to file a restraining order.”

I turn on my heels and start to dart away, but I can still hear him yell in the distance, “This isn’t over, Avery. You’re my wife.”

I scoff at that. Not much longer, Kevin. Not much longer.

“No, I am not,” I shout back.

Returning home to my apartment, I fall right back onto the couch. Looking further into my career plans will have to wait after that incident.

I turn on the gas fireplace before heading to my bedroom to change into a cute but casual lounge set. Lachlan will be here in a few hours, but seeing Kevin in person unexpectedly just drained my whole being.

Maybe this town isn’t big enough for the both of us after all.

No, I can’t think like that. God, I just wish Lachlan was here already.

After changing, I head to the kitchen and open up one of my favorite bottles of pinot noir. I give myself a heavy pour before heading back to settle onto the couch. A reality show and shutting off my brain for an hour or two will do me good.

“Avery, sweetheart, it’s me,” I hear being whispered.

I slowly sit up and adjust my eyes before coming face to face with my favorite person, Lachlan. I can’t help but smile.

“How are you doing, baby?” he asks as he settles in beside me on the couch. I gave him a key last time he was here for emergencies. I’m glad I did. Hopefully, after tonight, it will be his permanently.

“Good now that you’re here. Sorry, I must have fallen asleep out here when I got home. What time is it?”

“It’s only five-thirty. I came over right away.” He gestures to the priest attire he’s wearing.

I giggle.

“We’ve got to get your clothes over here.”

I pat his chest playfully, and he catches it. Lachlan pulls me so I’m resting on his chest. He rubs my back slowly.

“I like that idea.”

He continues rubbing as I sink further into him. I could get used to days like this.

“I was going to have takeout ready when you got here,” I sigh.