More tears slicked down her cheeks and I kissed them away before taking her mouth with mine again, needing her in any form she’d give to me.
Eventually my arms gave way and she dropped to her feet, damp back sticking to the wall and squeaking as she slid down.
We laughed about that, then collapsed into her bed where I curled myself around her like a fucking cling-on and held on tight, waiting for fate to take her away again.
Here I was, happy for just a moment. It was only a matter of time before it was ripped out of my hands again.
Chapter 29
I wanted to cry, but evidently people were like cars, and could run out of wiper fluid.
He loves me.
Those words destroyed me and re-built me within the tick of a second.
Even still, laying with him plastered against my back, the leftover throb still pulsing through my core, I finally felt whole again.
Long seconds passed as each breath he took pressed his chest against me, reminding me he was there. It was incredible.
And then a phone rang.
My whole body froze up, flashbacks of that night coming back to me. It had all changed with a phone call.
“Get it,” I whispered, pulling myself away from him and pulling my blanket over my body.
“That phone is fucking cursed,” he grumbled, sitting up before he dug through his jeans for it.
It stopped ringing just as he got it into his hands. A second later mine started ringing from the living room.
“Goddamnit,” he groaned while striding out of the room buck naked.
I couldn’t help but stare after him. Even with the past’s dark clouds hanging above us, that man was smokin’ hot.
He meandered back toward my bedroom with my phone to his ear, his voice low and grumbly.
“Don’t go there, Tom. This has nothing to do with you.”
He paused by the door, and as distressed as I was to hear my father’s name on his lips, I mean, oh my God, that man was hung.
Shaking my eyes away, I watched Ashton’s face as he spoke.
“That’s bullshit and you know it,” he hissed. “Don’t you try to do this.”
He paused and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“If you try to make me choose, it’s not going to be you, Tommy.”
That made me perk up, but he just pushed the little red button on my phone and dropped it on the bed next to me.
I waited for it to ring again, but oddly enough, it didn’t.
“What was all that?” I asked as he sat beside me, our naked hips and shoulders brushing together.
“Tom called. Threatened me again,” was all he said.
Even still, he chuckled.