Page 68 of Sir, Yes Sir

Shit, I wasn't sure where to start.

“Do you love her, too?” he demanded, leaning forward to hear my response.

I rubbed at my chin, and the damn thing ached something fierce as I considered.

I mean, I didn't need to think about it, really. I already knew my answer.



“So, you fell in love with her somehow, magically, one step at a time, and she obviously likes you too, ’cause she let you bone her. Many times if the smell in that room means anything. But you love Tommy too, because you guys grew up together, sort of, and now you don’t know who you want more?”

“That’s putting it in simple words,” I agreed.

Sort of.

“Tom is my brother, too. I’ve known him since I joined the Marines. Freya is just his kid. I don’t really know her, but dude, she blew into my life like a fucking nuke.”

“And? What happens when you have to choose?”

“I might have lost them both,” I muttered, lifting my mug to my mouth to get any of the last, cold dregs out.

“What happens if you don't?”

“Does it matter?” I countered. “If Tommy ever forgives me, it’ll be on the terms that Freya is strictly off limits. So I’d lose her. If Freya decided she wanted me, which wouldn’t make any Goddamn sense, we’d both lose Tommy.”

“I don’t know, a parent’s love for their children is a lot less fragile than that.”

I turned hard eyes to my brother.

“You saw what happened, right? The asshole manhandled his daughter in a way that was borderline abuse.”

Yamin rolled his eyes.

“You’re being oversensitive.”

“I’m not,” I whispered, the full weight of what I’d done finally settling on my shoulders now that the euphoria of orgasms and hot, velvet skin wore off.

What was I thinking?

“I’ll give it some time. Tom will get over it, but I need to cut Freya loose. She deserves a whole fuckton more than what I could give to her.”

“Like what?” Yamin barked with a laugh. “A savage like you would keep her safe, provided for, and over-sexed. What more can a woman ask for?”

“Maybe someone who isn’t completely fucked up, physically, mentally, emotionally…”

What was I, some little crybaby pussy? I knew Yamin wouldn’t judge me, but I judged myself plenty for the both of us.

“So, you’re telling me that after all that, you’re not going after this girl?”

I just shrugged, then shook my head.

“It was all kind of an accident, anyway.”

Yamin barked out a laugh.

“An accident? A long, repeated, accident?”