Page 20 of Sir, Yes Sir

I hurried after him, grateful for a reason to escape another horrific baseball game in the blazing Las Vegas heat.

“Want me to drive?” I asked Ashton as we both headed out the door, me in flip flops that snapped against my heels with every step I took.

“Not a chance in hell,” he said, tossing a look over his shoulder. “And how did you manage to sneak your way into this?”

“What? I want to look at places, too. Our budgets can’t be that different. Besides, I don’t want to go to another baseball game, either.”

“So, you’re welcome?”

I laughed.

“You kidding? If we hadn’t teamed up, Dad would’ve managed to convince you to go with him. So maybe a thank you is happening, but it’s not coming from me.”

Ashton let out one of his rusty laughs before opening the truck’s passenger door, waiting for me to hop in.

“Sure, sure, thanks a lot, kiddo,” he said, sarcasm thick in his voice.

“You’re more than welcome, old man,” I winked at him and he just shook his head, then closed the door between us and strolled around to the driver's side.

“Don’t tell Tommy, but I don’t actually have any appointments set up,” Ashton said as we pulled into the street and headed toward the city. “So I don’t know how many places will actually show a place to us.”

“That’s ok. I don’t mind spending the afternoon with you.”

He grunted, but I saw his lips tilt down in contemplation.

The ride to the first apartment complex was quiet, which made things a little awkward until we got out and went into the reception clubhouse.

“Hi there!” the receptionist in the office said, standing to greet us. “What can I do for you?” There was another office further in with the door closed and another woman behind a desk working on papers.

“Yeah, I wanted to see if we could tour an apartment,” Ashton told her.

“Sure! What size were you looking for? We have one, two, and three bedroom apartments.”

“One bedroom,” he specified.

“We have one available right now. I’m sure you two will love it!”

I choked on my spit as Ashton immediately denied her assumption.

“Oh, no, she’s uh, a friend,” he blurted, taking a step away from me as if to emphasize the fact.

“Oh, so sorry about that!” She had the decency to look embarrassed about her mistake.

I waved my hand as if it was nothing, but oh my God, someone thought we were a couple?

We followed the woman to the apartment and did a quick tour. The place was nice, but it was also a bit sterile. I couldn’t see Ashton in an apartment like it. Myself however…I would’ve loved living in a little place like this.

“What did you think?” the receptionist asked, looking from Ashton to me and back again.

“It’s nice,” I said, looking longingly at the wood plank floors one more time.

Wood was so far superior to tile.

“Yeah, but I’ve got a couple more places lined up, so I’ll come back if I decide that this is the place.”

“Oh, ok,” the receptionist looked disappointed. “Alright. We look forward to hearing from you soon.”

We shook hands and went our way out of the apartment and walked through the complex to Ashton’s truck.