Page 99 of Sir, Yes Sir

“Point taken,” I agreed, taking a purposeful bite of my dog, moaning in pleasure while he gagged.

Love indeed.

Chapter 30


The next forty-eight hours were probably the best of my life.

Nothing disturbed us again in the little cocoon we’d created for ourselves in my downtown apartment. We hardly left the bed, only pausing long enough to eat and shower, then get dirty all over again. I was so numb between the thighs, but even that numbness felt delicious because I’d earned every single bit of it.

My major issue was, he didn’t want to talk. He might have admitted to loving me, but evidently there were even harder things for him to say that hid behind his guarded eyes. The man gave me his body freely, but his mind and his heart were still locked away behind chain link and razor wire. Idiot me had no idea how to fix that.

Monday however, presented a new problem.

I got ready for work as usual, but Ashton wandered around my house, jeans on, going commando because it was better to wear no underwear than days old ones, and of course, no shirt to cover all his tattoos and muscles.

“I can’t take time off,” I said for the third time, feeling guilty for leaving him there while I went to work.

“Guess we shoulda talked about this between one of those rounds of fucking over the weekend, huh?”

I snorted. “Probably. But with that many orgasms rolling through your system, it’s almost impossible to think too hard about anything except the next one.”

“That’s true,” he agreed, shoving on his boots while I wolfed down some yogurt.

“There’s food here now that we got that grocery dropoff, and TV, and I don’t know…”

“I’ve got my bike if I need to leave,” he assured me. “But hey, uh, I’d like to see the Firebird if she’s still around.”

Right, the Firebird.

Grabbing my keys from the kitchen counter, I hurried over to the door and snatched up my briefcase as I strode outside.

“It’s in the garage. I’ll show you before I leave.”

Ashton followed behind me, boots on his feet but unlaced as he pulled on his old t-shirt.

“At the very least, I need to go get some new clothes,” he murmured as we headed to the garage.

With a few little buttons on the keypad, the garage door opened and there she was in all her baby blue beauty, the Firebird that had started all of this.

“Have you driven her at all?” he asked, lifting up the dusty tarp over top.

I shook my head.

“No. I couldn’t. It was too painful to look at the damn thing, let alone drive it.”

He turned to me over his shoulder, then took a couple steps until his arms were wrapping me up in him.

“I’m sorry about all that, Freya. I’m really Goddamn sorry.”

“Well,” I assured him, “I’m not holding a grudge.”


He smiled down at me, then turned back to the sleeping beauty under the tarp.

“If she’s been sitting here, she’ll need a complete flush of all fluids. Not to mention a new battery.”