It might not have sounded like a proclamation of forgiveness, but I understood it for what it was. Tommy was done being mad.
“Funny, that’s what my therapist says too.”
Tom laughed.
“Shut the fuck up. Therapist, huh? How’s that going?”
I shrugged even though he couldn’t see it.
“It sucks, but he says some smart shit sometimes.”
“So you’re doing ok?”
“Yes, Dad, I’m doing ok,” I drawled before taking a deep pull of that beer.
He chuckled.
“Karma keeps asking about you. She scolds me out at least once a week for not calling you.”
“Well hey, now you can say you have.”
It got awkward all of a sudden.
“Well, I’ve got…uh…family dinner. You know.”
There was a rustling over the phone before Tommy softly barked at someone to back off.
“Right. Don’t want to interrupt that. Take care.”
“I’ll talk to you later, Ash,” he said, then hung up just as I heard it, a high-pitched cry of desperation.
Fuck me… How was I supposed to do this?
Tossing my phone to the couch, I wandered around the house for a while before calling Yamin next. He would want to know that Tommy had called, and I needed to vent about Freya or my Goddamn brain was going to explode.
I hadn’t expected him to answer on the first call, but he did, lucky enough.
“Is my luck really that good?” I asked after he picked up.
“Luckily for you, we had a technological issue and they’ve been trying to fix it all day. We’ve basically had a day off!” was his response.
“Glad to know that you had a day off and didn’t bother to call,” I grouched back.
“If you were my girlfriend, I woulda.” He coughed out a laugh.
“Yeah, fuck you too,” I agreed, grinning.
I missed the guy.
“Well, just wanted to let you know that Tommy called. Called me an asshole a couple times, so I’d call that progress.”
“Hey! That is progress,” Yamin agreed. “We may have a very uh…slight problem, though.”
“And what’s that?” I countered.
He blew out a sigh, but didn’t respond for a full minute.