Page 71 of Sir, Yes Sir

I shook my head.

“Dad’s right about this,” I told her. “This is better for everyone.”

I followed him down the hallway toward my bedroom and closed the door slowly as tears welled up in my eyes.

I’d just experienced the best day of my life, and now…

Those tears burned trails down my cheeks as I took out my suitcase and stuffed in some clothes, just enough for the weekend.

It was time for me to go. It’d been time for me to go for a long time, but Mom had always wanted me to stay. Every time I even hinted at leaving, she’d cry and I would back down.

Not anymore.

Now it was time for me to break out of the mold I’d fit myself into so perfectly. It was time that I worked for my dreams instead of theirs.

Mom begged me to give her time to fix things as I hurried to the door with my bag, but I didn’t have much to give her besides the promise that I was going to Vicky and Heather’s place and I’d be safe there.

It didn’t seem to get her much comfort, but she assured me that everything will be better soon and that I’d come home.

I didn’t have the heart to tell her that no, I wasn’t coming back. Not for more than dinner, anyway.

“Ok girl, tell me what’s going on,” Heather demanded when I dragged myself through their door with my overnight bag.

“Everything is fucked up,” I told her simply.

Vicky snorted from her spot on the couch where she was eating cheddar flavored rice cakes.

“Your text sounded really distressed,” she said, wiping a little cheddar dust from her mouth. “What happened?”

“Ash and I had sex,” I blurted, sending those words into the world with zero preparation. “Repeatedly.”

They made me giddy.

“What?” they shouted together.

Vicky tossed her snack onto the floor and bounced to me, throwing her arms around my neck so hard it jarred me sideways.

“I gotta know! How was it? Was it good? I bet it was good!”

Heather was bumbling with questions, but I wanted to keep all that close to my chest for now while I was still processing it all. I could still feel the delicious soreness between my thighs and it made my neck and breasts tingle where he’d sucked and nibbled them the most.

“It just happened,” was all I said, not willing to add anything else. “Ash is…basically my dream, but things went down tonight and Dad’s pissed, so I can’t go home for a while. Actually, I think I’m going to stay here until I can find a new place, if you guys will let me.”

Vicky’s eyebrows shot up. “You’re moving out?”

I nodded.

“And I’m going to find a new job. It’s time to get out of my cocoon, and out from under my smothering mother’s wings.”

“Amen, sister,” Heather sang, moving close to sit next to me and put her arm around me. “I’m talking for Vicky too when I say, you can stay as long as you need, as long as you’re out in three months max.”

Vicky nodded vigorously and I grinned at them, pulling Vicky into the hug as I took in a deep breath to calm myself.

So much was changing, but God, I was looking forward to it. A home of my own, a job where they’d appreciate me, and a man that made me burn up from the inside out. All that was left was to sort things out with him, which I intended to do once I cleaned the cum from between my legs and got at least six hours of sleep. Ash would probably sleep in too since it was the weekend tomorrow, and maybe I’d help him clean off the interior of the Firebird.

Yeah, I’d see him first thing and we’d figure the stuff out between us.

Grinning, I grabbed my bag and headed for the shower.