Page 70 of Sir, Yes Sir

His words hurt, pricking my heart until it bled.

I refused to talk anymore, and it seemed like Dad was in agreement because the rest of the short ride was silent and tense. When Dad burst through the front door, Mom hurried from the kitchen with some crystals in her hand and eyes wide as saucers.

“What’s going on?” she demanded, eyes flickering back and forth between us.

“Your daughter,” Dad hissed, “Has been lying to us. She’s been seeing Ashton behind our backs!”

Mom’s eyes got impossibly wider as she steadied her attention to me.

“I went over there with that guy Yamin that I told you about, and they were practically fucking in the living room!”

I scoffed with a genuine laugh.

“We were not!” I barked back. “You’re making all that shit up!”

Dad whipped around and gave me the meanest glare I’d probably ever seen him give.

“Now, let’s take a deep breath,” Mom started, putting up her hands between us as if we would break into a brawl at any second.

“Our daughter just betrayed this family!” Dad seethed, spit flying from his mouth as his face turned red again.

“She did not betray her family,” Mom countered. “A girl can make a mistake and her family; her father, can forgive her.”

“I did not make a mistake,” I interjected, swiping my hand through the air to deny it. “We have feelings for each other, and there’s nothing that you can do that will change that, Dad.”

Dad raged, growling loud and low as he tugged at his own hair, messing up his normally perfect, coiffed style.

“Do you want him to have a coronary?” Mom hissed into my ear as he took a lap around the room.

“He needs to get over it,” I hissed right back.

“How about you try to warm him up to it instead of tossing him into a freaking volcano!”

Maybe she had a point.

“I’m not changing my mind about this!” I cried.

“Get the fuck out!” Dad finally screamed over Mom and my arguing.

We went silent real fast.

“Now, Tom,” Mom started, but Dad was already shaking his head.

“No,” he said to her, avoiding me completely. “She needs a fucking wakeup call, and she’d not going to get it while being coddled by you!”

Mom looked horrified. “Absolutely not!”

“Get your shit,” Dad said, wheeling around on me now. “And get. The fuck. Out.”

I didn’t know what to even say.

“Fine,” I countered. “I can be out tonight.”

“What? No!” Mom shouted, getting all riled up, too.

“It’s better for everyone,” Dad mumbled, turning his back to me before he went to his office.

“I’ll fix this,” Mom said, her normally wispy and calm demeanor all kinds of worked up to anger.